Banking lobby was also busy in advance of budget
Cheese producer lobbying on CETA
The Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) and Canadian Association of International Development Professional (CAIDP) are pleased to announce that Rt. Hon. Joe Clark will be a keynote speaker at a conference they are jointly organizing in May in Ottawa. Clark will be addressing the attendees on what he believes are the missteps in Canada's recent foreign policy and what Canada can do to best position itself for success in the future.
House Ethics Committee doesn’t recommend including ‘apparent’ conflicts in the act
Here is The Lobby Monitor's weekly roundup of stories.
This week The Lobby Monitor reported on new registrations, the year ahead in lobbying as a result of the federal budget, and more. Please note there will be no Morning Brief Monday due to the Ontario holiday, and that our office will be closed. But look for an email alert early Monday morning for an editorial special The Lobby Monitor has been working on with The Hill Times: The Top 100 Lobbyists!
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Consultant lobbyists are adjusting to a business environment involving more competition, new technologies, and shorter contracts