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Who hired who: Updates to the registry of lobbyists, July 27 - Aug. 3

Published: Friday, 08/03/2012 4:53 pm EDT

Consultant registrations - new (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that hired consultant lobbyists, and the issues they were hired to lobby on, listed by client.
Jul 27, 2012 to Aug 03, 2012


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist Detail
Astellas Pharma Canada , Inc. Global Public Affairs Sampson, Stephen Food and Drugs Act Regulations with respect to the approval and life-cycle management of therapeutic products Health Canada guidance or other initiatives with respect to safety considerations relating to the use of human tissue, cells, and organs for transplantation Health Canadas general mandate and role with respect to promoting patient safety
Astellas Pharma Canada Inc. Global Public Affairs Baltare, Carl Food and Drugs Act Regulations with respect to the approval and life-cycle management of therapeutic products Health Canada guidance or other initiatives with respect to safety considerations relating to the use of human tissue, cells, and organs for transplantation Health Canadas general mandate and role with respect to promoting patient safety
Canadian Standards Association Global Public Affairs / Global Public Affairs Raad Gil, Aysha Communications with government stakeholders about the use of made-in-Canada standards in the National Standards System
CGI Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Chamberlain, Sharon IT-IM Information Technology-Information Management, cyber security
CGI Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Charron, Roch IT-IM Information Technology-Information Management, cyber security
CNOOC International Limited Stikeman , Elliott Hunter , Q.c., Lawson A.w. Investment Canada Act as it relates to the proposed acquisition of Nexen
COGECO inc. NATIONAL Public Relations Mitton, Stephanie Regulation To discuss the implementation of the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commissions new regulatory framework on vertical integration and its effect on Canadian independent distributors.
Energy Policy Institute of Canada Cohn & Wolfe West Clausen, Larry Regulation Presenting a philosophical energy strategy that is adopted politically and then motivates regulatory activity in terms of economic development, energy and the environment.
Manitoba Lodges and Outfitters Association / Association des pourvoiries du Manitoba Self-employed Turenne, Paul Requesting meeting with Public Safety Minister Vic Toews re change to Canada Border Services Agency admissions policy for visiting foreign nationals with an impaired driving charge on their record.
Marquis imprimeur Hill + Knowlton Stratégies Hebert, Josiane Policies or Program Démarches en vue d'obtenir de l'aide gouvernementale de la part de DEC à ses usines de Louiseville et Montmagny.
Sélect Global International Ltée Parabellum Communication Inc. Lambert, Jean Système avancé d'entraînement à distance pour le combat (SAEDC) / INSTRUCTION TACTIQUE ET AU PILOTAGE
South Brant Construction Protocol Plus Inc Rasalingam, Raj Controlled Drug and Substances Act - Marihuana Medical Acess Regulations Licence to produce
Titanium Corporation Ian Murray & Company Ltd. Murray, Ian Outreach to public office holders and arranging meetings with public office holders to educate them on Titanium Corporation's "Creating Value Through Wate" program, a patented technology that recovers bitumen from tailing streams.


Consultant registrations - new (by lobby firm)
A list of lobby firms with new clients.
Jul 27, 2012 to Aug 03, 2012


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
Atlas Consultant / Atlas Consultant Benkirane, Mohamed Forage Dynamitage Girard Inc.
Cohn & Wolfe West Clausen, Larry Energy Policy Institute of Canada
Global Public Affairs Sampson, Stephen Astellas Pharma Canada , Inc.
Global Public Affairs Baltare, Carl Astellas Pharma Canada Inc.
Global Public Affairs / Global Public Affairs Raad Gil, Aysha Canadian Standards Association
Hill + Knowlton Stratégies Hebert, Josiane Marquis imprimeur
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Chamberlain, Sharon CGI Canada
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Charron, Roch CGI Canada
Ian Murray & Company Ltd. Murray, Ian Titanium Corporation
NATIONAL Public Relations Mitton, Stephanie COGECO inc.
Parabellum Communication Inc. Lambert, Jean Sélect Global International Ltée
Protocol Plus Inc Rasalingam, Raj South Brant Construction
Self-employed Turenne, Paul Manitoba Lodges and Outfitters Association / Association des pourvoiries du Manitoba
Stikeman , Elliott Hunter , Q.c., Lawson A.w. CNOOC International Limited


Consultant registrations - renewals (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by client.
Jul 27, 2012 to Aug 03, 2012


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist
3m Canada Company Hill+Knowlton Strategies Kelahear, Ryan
Agence Metropolitaine des Transports Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley
BCE Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Roscoe, Elizabeth
Bell Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Coates, Michael
BHP Billiton Canada Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley
Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (Rx&D) Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley
CANADA'S RESEARCH-BASED PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES (RX&D) / Rx&D , Les compagnies de recherche pharmaceutique du Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Cerovic, Angela
Canadian Association of Broadcasters / L'Association canadienne des radiodiffuseurs (ACR) Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley
Canadian Energy Pipeline Association / Association Canadienne De Pipelines D'Énergie Global Public Affairs Inc. Chisholm, Carolyn
Canadian Jewellers Association Protocol Plus Inc Rasalingam, Raj
CANADIAN LIGHT SOURCE INC. / Centre Canadien de Rayonnement Synchrotron Hill+Knowlton Strategies Charron, Roch
CANADIAN LIGHT SOURCE INC. / Centre Canadien de Rayonnement Synchrotron Hill+Knowlton Strategies Johnston, Bruce
Canadian Petroleum Products Institute / Institut canadien des produits pétroliers Self-employed Simpkins, William
Canadian Pork Council / Le Conseil canadien du porc Grey , Clark , Shih and Associates , Limited Clark, Peter
Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. Fleishman Hillard Harfield, Jeanne
Cascades Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne
CEA Technologies Pty Limited Hill+Knowlton Strategies Johnston, Bruce
Chevron Canada Resources Global Public Affairs Inc. Chisholm, Carolyn
Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley
CNOOC International Limited Hill+Knowlton Strategies Coates, Michael
CNOOC International Limited Hill+Knowlton Strategies Gibbons, Andy
CNOOC International Limited Hill+Knowlton Strategies Hyder, Goldy
CNOOC International Limited Hill+Knowlton Strategies Roscoe, Elizabeth
CO Solution Hill+Knowlton Strategies Kelahear, Ryan
Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada The Capital Hill Group Inc. Graham, Sandra
Council of Ontario Universities Hill+Knowlton Strategies Boudria, Don
Cubic Defense Applications , Inc Michael M Johnson & Associates Inc Johnson, Michael
Dairy farmers of Canada / les producteurs laitiers du Canada Self-employed dykstra, Reint Jan
Dairy Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs laitiers du Canada Self-employed murray, david
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-employed De Jong, Pieter
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-employed Gilson, Scott
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-employed Gorter, Hans
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-employed Heapy, Richard
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-employed Holtmann, Henry
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-employed Knockaert, Lawrence
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-employed Leyenhorst, Martin
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-employed Mangin, Raymond
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-employed Wiens, David
Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia Self-employed Canning, Derick
Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia Self-employed Damsteegt, Gerrit
Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia Self-employed Whidden, Havey
Dairy Farmers of Ontario Hill+Knowlton Strategies Kelahear, Ryan
Dairy Farmers of Ontario Self-employed Millson, Jim
Danone Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne
DEW Engineering and Development ULC Hill+Knowlton Strategies Fletcher, Bruce
Environmental Health Industry Coordinating Group Self-employed Khosla, Amardeep
GCT Global Container Terminals Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne
id-Mouse Inc Self-employed Véronneau, Robert L.
Indigenous Education Coalition Connect Consulting Solutions Nicholas, Luke
Interactive Gaming Council Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne
Jazz Air Income Fund Hill+Knowlton Strategies Kelahear, Ryan
Jazz Air Income Fund Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley
JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION (JDRF) / La Fondation de la recherche sur le diabète juvénile (FRDJ) Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne
JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION / Fondation de la recherche sur le diabète juvénile Hill+Knowlton Strategies Boudria, Don
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation / La Fondation de la Recherche sur le Diabete Juvenile Hill+Knowlton Strategies Pasi, Melissa
L3 Communications MAS Hill+Knowlton Strategies Boyle, Jean
McKesson Canada Strategycorp Ottawa Inc. Matheson, John
Mining Association Of Canada / L'Association minière du Canada Global Public Affairs Wagdin, Elizabeth
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada / Société canadienne de la sclérose en plaques Fleishman Hillard Harfield, Jeanne
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems International , Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Johnston, Bruce
Northrop Grumman International , Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Johnston, Bruce
Northrop Grumman International , Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Coates, Michael
Primerica Financial Services Ltd. / Les Services Financiers Primerica Ltee Sage Public Affairs / Sage Public Affairs Bilhan, Hande
Printers Plus / Printers Plus Marketworks Ltd Bizeau, Kelly
PrintersPlus MarketWorks Ltd Hollingsworth, Catherine
Project Management Institute (PMI) Apco Worldwide (Canada) Zelikovitz, Evan
Retail Council of Canada / Conseil canadien du commerce de detail Temple Scott Associates Inc. Cross, Clarke
Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation Hill+Knowlton Strategies Cerovic, Angela
Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation Hill+Knowlton Strategies Pasi, Melissa
Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation Hill+Knowlton Strategies Boudria, Don
Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation Hill+Knowlton Strategies Roscoe, Elizabeth
Saskatchewan Association Of Rural Municipalities (Sarm) Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne
Saskatchewan Telecommunications Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne
Scotts Canada Limited Temple Scott Associates Inc. Cross, Clarke
SNC-Lavalin Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Coates, Michael
Strateco Resources Inc. StrategyCorp Rust, Martin
Strateco Resources Inc. StrategyCorp Inc. Sen…Cal, Johanne
Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc. Freeman Mandel & Milne Milne, Charles
TMX Group Hill+Knowlton Strategies Roscoe, Elizabeth
Total E&P Canada Ltd. Global Public Affairs / Global Public Affairs Staley, Rebecca
Union of National Defence Employees / Union des employes de la Defense nationale MediaStyle / MediaStyle Filiatrault, Renee
Vale Canada Limited Fleishman Hillard Harfield, Jeanne
ViaSat , Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Johnston, Bruce
Vincor Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne


Consultant registrations - renewals (by lobby firm)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by lobby firm.
Jul 27, 2012 to Aug 03, 2012


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
Apco Worldwide (Canada) Zelikovitz, Evan Project Management Institute (PMI)
Connect Consulting Solutions Nicholas, Luke Indigenous Education Coalition
Fleishman Hillard Harfield, Jeanne Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd.
Fleishman Hillard Harfield, Jeanne Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada / Société canadienne de la sclérose en plaques
Fleishman Hillard Harfield, Jeanne Vale Canada Limited
Freeman Mandel & Milne Milne, Charles Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc.
Global Public Affairs Wagdin, Elizabeth Mining Association Of Canada / L'Association minière du Canada
Global Public Affairs / Global Public Affairs Staley, Rebecca Total E&P Canada Ltd.
Global Public Affairs Inc. Chisholm, Carolyn Canadian Energy Pipeline Association / Association Canadienne De Pipelines D'Énergie
Global Public Affairs Inc. Chisholm, Carolyn Chevron Canada Resources
Grey , Clark , Shih and Associates , Limited Clark, Peter Canadian Pork Council / Le Conseil canadien du porc
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Kelahear, Ryan 3m Canada Company
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley Agence Metropolitaine des Transports
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Roscoe, Elizabeth BCE Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Coates, Michael Bell Canada
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley BHP Billiton Canada Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (Rx&D)
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Cerovic, Angela CANADA'S RESEARCH-BASED PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES (RX&D) / Rx&D , Les compagnies de recherche pharmaceutique du Canada
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley Canadian Association of Broadcasters / L'Association canadienne des radiodiffuseurs (ACR)
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Charron, Roch CANADIAN LIGHT SOURCE INC. / Centre Canadien de Rayonnement Synchrotron
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Johnston, Bruce CANADIAN LIGHT SOURCE INC. / Centre Canadien de Rayonnement Synchrotron
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne Cascades Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Johnston, Bruce CEA Technologies Pty Limited
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Coates, Michael CNOOC International Limited
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Gibbons, Andy CNOOC International Limited
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Hyder, Goldy CNOOC International Limited
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Roscoe, Elizabeth CNOOC International Limited
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Kelahear, Ryan CO Solution
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Boudria, Don Council of Ontario Universities
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Kelahear, Ryan Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne Danone Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Fletcher, Bruce DEW Engineering and Development ULC
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne GCT Global Container Terminals Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne Interactive Gaming Council Canada
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Kelahear, Ryan Jazz Air Income Fund
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Brambles, Ashley Jazz Air Income Fund
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION (JDRF) / La Fondation de la recherche sur le diabète juvénile (FRDJ)
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Boudria, Don JUVENILE DIABETES RESEARCH FOUNDATION / Fondation de la recherche sur le diabète juvénile
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Pasi, Melissa Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation / La Fondation de la Recherche sur le Diabete Juvenile
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Boyle, Jean L3 Communications MAS
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Johnston, Bruce Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems International , Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Johnston, Bruce Northrop Grumman International , Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Coates, Michael Northrop Grumman International , Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Cerovic, Angela Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Pasi, Melissa Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Boudria, Don Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Roscoe, Elizabeth Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne Saskatchewan Association Of Rural Municipalities (Sarm)
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Coates, Michael SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Roscoe, Elizabeth TMX Group
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Johnston, Bruce ViaSat , Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne Vincor Canada
Marketworks Ltd Bizeau, Kelly Printers Plus / Printers Plus
MarketWorks Ltd Hollingsworth, Catherine PrintersPlus
MediaStyle / MediaStyle Filiatrault, Renee Union of National Defence Employees / Union des employes de la Defense nationale
Michael M Johnson & Associates Inc Johnson, Michael Cubic Defense Applications , Inc
Protocol Plus Inc Rasalingam, Raj Canadian Jewellers Association
Sage Public Affairs / Sage Public Affairs Bilhan, Hande Primerica Financial Services Ltd. / Les Services Financiers Primerica Ltee
Self-employed Simpkins, William Canadian Petroleum Products Institute / Institut canadien des produits pétroliers
Self-employed dykstra, Reint Jan Dairy farmers of Canada / les producteurs laitiers du Canada
Self-employed murray, david Dairy Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs laitiers du Canada
Self-employed De Jong, Pieter Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-employed Gilson, Scott Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-employed Gorter, Hans Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-employed Heapy, Richard Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-employed Holtmann, Henry Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-employed Knockaert, Lawrence Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-employed Leyenhorst, Martin Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-employed Mangin, Raymond Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-employed Wiens, David Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-employed Canning, Derick Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia
Self-employed Damsteegt, Gerrit Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia
Self-employed Whidden, Havey Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia
Self-employed Millson, Jim Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Self-employed Khosla, Amardeep Environmental Health Industry Coordinating Group
Self-employed Véronneau, Robert L. id-Mouse Inc
StrategyCorp Rust, Martin Strateco Resources Inc.
StrategyCorp Inc. Sen…Cal, Johanne Strateco Resources Inc.
Strategycorp Ottawa Inc. Matheson, John McKesson Canada
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Cross, Clarke Retail Council of Canada / Conseil canadien du commerce de detail
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Cross, Clarke Scotts Canada Limited
The Capital Hill Group Inc. Graham, Sandra Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada


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