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Who hired who: Updates to the lobbyist registry, Oct. 1 - 5

Published: Friday, 10/05/2012 3:35 pm EDT

Consultant registrations - new (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that hired consultant lobbyists, and the issues they were hired to lobby on, listed by client.
Oct. 1, 2012 to Oct. 05, 2012


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist Detail
Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals / Association Canadienne des Conseillers Accrédités PROSPECTUS ASSOCIATES IN CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT INC EVERSHED, ROBERT Budgetary bills that may affect the housing industry including for example covered bonds. Review of Bank Act of Canada with respect to restriction on residential mortgages and security on property. Bank At requires mortgage insurance when downpayment is less than 20% of the purchase of the property. Review of Federal budget in respect to matters related to housing (RRSP First-Time Home Buyers Plan (HBP), First-Time Home Buyers Tax Credit (HBTC), and other tax measures taht promote home ownership. With respect to decision making regarding the Mortgage Insurance Business (Banks, Authorized Foreign Banks, Trust and Loan Companies, Retail Associations, Canadian Insurance Companies and Canadian Societies) Regulations. The Regulations fall under the Bank act and the Federal Trust and Loan Companies act. The Regulations address business practices and sponsorship by the mortgage insurers of activities that lenders may attend. CAAMP's interst concerns its own activities including the National Conference, Regional Symposiums and education training.
Canadian Standards Association Global Public Affairs Inc. Kawooya, Eddie Communications with government stakeholders about the use of made-in-Canada standards in the National Standards System
Ceryx Inc. GJH Strategies Inc. Hunter, Gordon Shared Services Canada - Email Transformation Initiative (ETI)
Duchesnay Inc. Global Public Affairs Sampson, Stephen Food and Drugs Act Regulations with respect to the approval and life-cycle management of therapeutic products Policies or Program, Health Canada guidance and requirements for clinical trial design and admissibility Health Canada guidance or other initiatives with respect to obstetrics and the appropriate utilization of therapeutic products Regulation, Health Canada policies and practices with respect to the content and revision of product monographs Health Canadas general mandate and role with respect to promoting patient safety
Duchesnay Inc. GLOBAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS BALTARE, CARL Food and Drugs Act Regulations with respect to the approval and life-cycle management of therapeutic products Policies or Program, Health Canada guidance and requirements for clinical trial design and admissibility Health Canada guidance or other initiatives with respect to obstetrics and the appropriate utilization of therapeutic products Policies or Program, Health Canada policies and practices with respect to the content and revision of product monographs Health Canadas general mandate and role with respect to promoting patient safety
Earth Rangers Summa Strategies Canada Inc. Harrison, Katlyn Explore sources of funding for Earth Rangers programs (including the Bring Back the Wild initiative).
Government of Nunavut Global Public Affairs Seekings, Dan Building Canada Fund at it relates to funding for affordable housing and infrastructure projects in Nunavut. Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency- as it relates to program design and allocation for projects in Nunavut Federal government foreign and trade policy as it relates to the European Union ban on Canadian seal products Federal government policy on territorial devolution with respect to the issue of devolution between the Federal government and the Government of Nunavut. Northern Fisheries policy as it relates to fisheries and habitat management in Nunavut. The Nunavut Project Assessment Act as it applies to regulatory capacity building and economic development in the territory
Hoffman-La Roche Limited 3Sixty Public Affairs Inc. JOHNSTON, BLAKE Investment climate in Canada for health & life sciences in relation to government trade and taxation policy
Hoffmann-La Roche Limited 3Sixty Public Affairs Inc. DEMPSTER, WILLIAM Food and Drugs Act Modernization as it relates to the regulation of therapeutic products Industry Canada policies and programs related to the innovative pharmaceuticals industry with respect to attracting clinical research mandates to Canada International Trade programs to attract international clinical research mandates for Canada Science and Technology Strategy as it relates to policies impacting the Canadian pharmaceuticals industry with respect to attracting clinical research mandates to Canada
Imeka solutions Inc. Groupe GfG Goulet, Ghyslain Aide au client pour l'obtention de son financement et/ou aides financières pour financer son projet d'entreprise
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation / La Fondation de la Recherche sur le Diabete Juvenile HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Rowsell, Craig Educational program on behalf of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation to raise awareness of Juvenile Type I diabetes in Canada Seek increased funding for researching the cure for Type I diabetes. Work in support of partnership proposal to the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario to launch and fund a clinical trial network for type 1 diabetes
Kinectrics Inc. Marson & Associates Marson, Peter Procure funding under the Prosperity initiative for Regional diversification from FedDev Ontario
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) The Capital Hill Group Inc. Jordan, Joe Seeking funding for housing, healthcare and education.
Mining Association of Canada / L'Association miniere du Canada Global Public Affairs Inc. Kawooya, Eddie Canadian Environmental Assessment Act & Regulations as they affect assessment of projects in the mineral industry Canadian Environmental Protection Act as it applies to substances produced by or used by the mineral industry Corporate & Social Responsibility & Human Rights in respect to providing input into government regarding perspectives and best practices from mining industry Economic & Fiscal Policy in relation to providing input and consultation on corporate tax issues, flow through shares for mining industry, impact of economic downturn on mining industry Federal government's energy strategy as it relates to oil sands mining Fisheries Act in respect of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER) and Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) Major Projects Management office's ability to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and coordination of federal review and decisions with respect to projects in the mineral industry Mineral Statistics in respect to mining statistics Navigable Waters Protection Act & International Boundaries Waters Act as triggers for environmental assessments under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Northern Regulatory Environment Policy in respect of the Northern Regulatory Improvement Initiative Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations in respect of amendments to the administration of prospecting permits and mineral claims Providing input into government's Foreign investment strategy as it relates to opening up opportunities for investments in mining industry Species at Risk Act in relation to it's interaction with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act as a trigger for assessment and in imposing additional conditions on projects. Turning the Corner, the government's regulatory frameowkr for greenhouse gas emissions as it relates to providing input for on mechanisms to reduce emisisons.
Mosaic Crestview Public Affairs Bolek, Adam Federal government policy with respect to rules surroudning potash mine development and overseas exports.
Motorola Solutions Canada Inc. THE ROTHWELL GROUP INC. PILON, ALAIN DEVELOPING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Seek increased funding related to Interoperability of secure radio systems. Source of funding to be determined.
Netflix GCI Canada Collins, Gary Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Telecommunications Act and Broadcasting Act with respect to new entrants in the market, applicable regulations and policies such as the Convergence Policy, the CRTC's Net Neutrality framework and CRTC's New Media Exemption Order. This may lead to proposals for legislative change in the longer term but none foreseen at this time.
Nexter Group Systems GCI Canada Collins, Gary DND procurement of Close Combat Vehicle for the Canadian Forces
Niagara Global Developments Ltd. NOVIDEA Public Affairs Ltd. Saperia, Jordan Immigrant Investor Program, with respect to eligibility requirements.
Peinture GS et Placage GE CAP PME Inc. Belzile, Francis Demande d'aide financière pour la réalisation d'un projet de diversification des activités de l'entreprise permettant de sauvegarder et créer des emplois
Rétec F3 Technologies S.E.C Self-Employed Lasselle, Jean Recherche de subvention auprès du CNRC pour le développement de nouveaux produits. Recherche de financement auprès de Développement économique Canada pour fin de commercialisation et de promotion sur le marché US.
Royal Canadian Mint / Monnaie Royale Canadienne PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Strudwick, Dean Status of refining services under the Excise Tax Act.
Royal Nickel Corporation Rawson Group Initiatives Inc. RAWSON, BRUCE Communication with federal officials regarding timely regulatory and permit approval for the Dumont Nickel Project located in the Abitibi-Temiscamingue area in the Province of Quebec.
Ungava inc. Harfang International inc. Couture, André Réalisation du plan d'action à l'exportation, à l'innovation et à la productivité. demande d'aide financière au DEC pour la réalisation des projets ci-haut mentionnés
Weight Watchers Canada Ltd. GCI Canada Collins, Gary Policies or Program For more than 45 years, Weight Watchers has been helping people lose weight around the world. We believe in an integrated approach emphasizing healthy eating habits, behaviour modification, a supportive environment and exercise. We offer a sensible plan to help Canadians lose weight at a healthy rate plus the knowledge and information they need to help keep it off for good. We offer a time--tested approach informed by analyzing years of scientific studies and a food plan based on Canada’s food guide that can adapt to any lifestyle. Our community meetings and online product make us accessible to Canadians from coast to coast to coast. We are seeking to offer our ideas to the Government of Canada to combat obesity and to motivate Canadians to adopt healthier eating habits. We are asking the Government to institute incentives for Healthy Eating / Healthy Weight Loss via a Tax Credit similar to the proposed Adult Fitness Tax Credit.
Wooky Entertainment Inc. / Divertissement Wooky Inc. Gestion Lynch Inc. Choquette, Lyne Développement économique du Canada (DEC) - Programme de développement économique du Québec pour commercialisation et exportation Programme d'aide à la recherche industrielle (PARI-CNRC) - Activités de recherche et développement technologique


Consultant registrations - new (by lobby firm)
A list of lobby firms with new clients.
Oct. 1, 2012 to Oct. 05, 2012


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
3Sixty Public Affairs Inc. JOHNSTON, BLAKE Hoffman-La Roche Limited
3Sixty Public Affairs Inc. DEMPSTER, WILLIAM Hoffmann-La Roche Limited
CAP PME Inc. Belzile, Francis Peinture GS et Placage GE
CFN CONSULTANTS Macdonald, George Elbit Systems Limited
Crestview Public Affairs Bolek, Adam Mosaic
GCI Canada Collins, Gary Netflix
GCI Canada Collins, Gary Nexter Group Systems
GCI Canada Collins, Gary Weight Watchers Canada Ltd.
Gestion Lynch Inc. Choquette, Lyne Wooky Entertainment Inc. / Divertissement Wooky Inc.
GJH Strategies Inc. Hunter, Gordon Ceryx Inc.
Global Public Affairs Sampson, Stephen Duchesnay Inc.
Global Public Affairs Seekings, Dan Government of Nunavut
Global Public Affairs Inc. Kawooya, Eddie Canadian Standards Association
Global Public Affairs Inc. Kawooya, Eddie Mining Association of Canada / L'Association miniere du Canada
Groupe GfG Goulet, Ghyslain Imeka solutions Inc.
Harfang International inc. Couture, André Ungava inc.
HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Rowsell, Craig Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation / La Fondation de la Recherche sur le Diabete Juvenile
Marson & Associates Marson, Peter Kinectrics Inc.
NOVIDEA Public Affairs Ltd. Saperia, Jordan Niagara Global Developments Ltd.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Strudwick, Dean Royal Canadian Mint / Monnaie Royale Canadienne
PROSPECTUS ASSOCIATES IN CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT INC EVERSHED, ROBERT Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals / Association Canadienne des Conseillers Accrédités
Rawson Group Initiatives Inc. RAWSON, BRUCE Royal Nickel Corporation
Self-Employed Lasselle, Jean Rétec F3 Technologies S.E.C
Summa Strategies Canada Inc. Harrison, Katlyn Earth Rangers
The Capital Hill Group Inc. Jordan, Joe Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO)
THE ROTHWELL GROUP INC. PILON, ALAIN Motorola Solutions Canada Inc.


Consultant registrations - renewals (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by client.
Oct. 1, 2012 to Oct. 05, 2012


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist
Allied Beauty Association Maclaren Corlett LLP Greenwood, Gordon
B3CG Interconnect Inc Self-Employed Des Groseilliers, Jean-Luc
Canada Coal Inc. Rawson Group Initiatives Inc. RAWSON, BRUCE
Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Self-Employed Boyd, Harris
Canadian Marine Pilots' Association True North Public Affairs Casey, Sean
Canadian Music Publishers Association True North Public Affairs Casey, Sean
Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. 3Sixty Public Affairs Inc. JOHNSTON, BLAKE
Capital Power Corporation Canadian Strategy Group Danchilla, Hal
Cineplex Entertainment LP Canadian Strategy Group Danchilla, Hal
…cole de technologie supérieure Stonecliffe Consulting Group Inc. Bourgeois, Robert
Conseil Qu…B…Cois Des Entreprises Adapt…Es (Cqea) JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE
Conseil québécois des entreprises adaptées JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE
Council of Ministers of Education, Canada CG&A COMMUNICATIONS George, Chris
Credit Union Central of Canada Self-Employed Manness, Garth
Google Canada Playbook Communications Morin, Emmanuel
Greyhound Canada Earnscliffe Ontario Inc. Trbovich, Tom
Hoffman-La Roche Limited 3Sixty Public Affairs Soreanu, Ron
Industry Coordinating Group for CEPA Self-Employed KHOSLA, AMARDEEP
Integrated CO2 Network (ICON) Earnscliffe Strategy Group MCCOLL, VELMA
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation / La Fondation de la Recherche sur le Diabete Juvenile Hill+Knowlton Strategies GIBBONS, ANDY
La fromagerie Polyethnique inc. JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE
Nova Chemicals Earnscliffe Strategy Group MCCOLL, VELMA
Progress Energy Resources Corp. StrategyCorp Rust, Martin
Progress Energy Resources Corp. StrategyCorp Inc. SEN…CAL, JOHANNE
Progress Energy Resources Corp. StrategyCorp Inc. Rosenfeld, Robert
Progress Energy Resources Corp. STRATEGYCORP OTTAWA SAMSON, LISA
QUEST - Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow / QUEST - Systemes d'energie de qualite our les villes de demain BRENDAN HAWLEY & ASSOCIATES HAWLEY, BRENDAN
Research in Motion Ltd. McCarthy Tétrault LLP Sookman, Barry
School of Public Policy, University of Calgary Paulsen Group Paulsen, Morten
Spectra Energy Transmission Earnscliffe Strategy Group ROBINSON, MICHAEL
Spectra Energy Transmission Earnscliffe Strategy Group NEAR, HARRY
Spectra Energy Transmission Earnscliffe Strategy Group MCCOLL, VELMA
Thales Group Canada Earnscliffe Strategy Group NEAR, HARRY
Thales Group Canada Earnscliffe Strategy Group Norquay, Geoff
The Association of Registered Graphic Designer of Ontario BRENDAN HAWLEY & ASSOCIATES HAWLEY, BRENDAN
Thomson Reuters Corp. TORYS LLP WELKOFF, JAMES
Transat AT Global Public Affairs Toner, Patricia
Tsuu T'ina First Nation Paulsen Group Paulsen, Morten
Vancouver Aquarium Earnscliffe Strategy Group Norquay, Geoff
Weatherhaven Earnscliffe Strategy Group Norquay, Geoff
Xplornet Communications Inc Paulsen Group External Relations Paulsen, Morten


Consultant registrations - renewals (by lobby firm)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by lobby firm.
Oct. 1, 2012 to Oct. 05, 2012


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
3Sixty Public Affairs Soreanu, Ron Hoffman-La Roche Limited
3Sixty Public Affairs Inc. JOHNSTON, BLAKE Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd.
BRENDAN HAWLEY & ASSOCIATES HAWLEY, BRENDAN QUEST - Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow / QUEST - Systemes d'energie de qualite our les villes de demain
BRENDAN HAWLEY & ASSOCIATES HAWLEY, BRENDAN The Association of Registered Graphic Designer of Ontario
Canadian Strategy Group Danchilla, Hal Capital Power Corporation
Canadian Strategy Group Danchilla, Hal Cineplex Entertainment LP
CG&A COMMUNICATIONS George, Chris Council of Ministers of Education, Canada
Earnscliffe Ontario Inc. Trbovich, Tom Greyhound Canada
Earnscliffe Strategy Group MCCOLL, VELMA Integrated CO2 Network (ICON)
Earnscliffe Strategy Group MCCOLL, VELMA Nova Chemicals
Earnscliffe Strategy Group ROBINSON, MICHAEL Spectra Energy Transmission
Earnscliffe Strategy Group NEAR, HARRY Spectra Energy Transmission
Earnscliffe Strategy Group MCCOLL, VELMA Spectra Energy Transmission
Earnscliffe Strategy Group NEAR, HARRY Thales Group Canada
Earnscliffe Strategy Group Norquay, Geoff Thales Group Canada
Earnscliffe Strategy Group Norquay, Geoff Vancouver Aquarium
Earnscliffe Strategy Group Norquay, Geoff Weatherhaven
Global Public Affairs Toner, Patricia Transat AT
Hill+Knowlton Strategies GIBBONS, ANDY Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation / La Fondation de la Recherche sur le Diabete Juvenile
JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE Conseil Qu…B…Cois Des Entreprises Adapt…Es (Cqea)
JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE Conseil québécois des entreprises adaptées
JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE La fromagerie Polyethnique inc.
Maclaren Corlett LLP Greenwood, Gordon Allied Beauty Association
McCarthy Tétrault LLP Sookman, Barry Research in Motion Ltd.
Paulsen Group Paulsen, Morten School of Public Policy, University of Calgary
Paulsen Group Paulsen, Morten Tsuu T'ina First Nation
Paulsen Group External Relations Paulsen, Morten Xplornet Communications Inc
Playbook Communications Morin, Emmanuel Google Canada
Rawson Group Initiatives Inc. RAWSON, BRUCE Canada Coal Inc.
Self-Employed Des Groseilliers, Jean-Luc B3CG Interconnect Inc
Self-Employed Boyd, Harris Canadian Cable Systems Alliance
Self-Employed Manness, Garth Credit Union Central of Canada
Self-Employed KHOSLA, AMARDEEP Industry Coordinating Group for CEPA
Stonecliffe Consulting Group Inc. Bourgeois, Robert …cole de technologie supérieure
StrategyCorp Rust, Martin Progress Energy Resources Corp.
StrategyCorp Inc. SEN…CAL, JOHANNE Progress Energy Resources Corp.
StrategyCorp Inc. Rosenfeld, Robert Progress Energy Resources Corp.
STRATEGYCORP OTTAWA SAMSON, LISA Progress Energy Resources Corp.
TORYS LLP WELKOFF, JAMES Thomson Reuters Corp.
True North Public Affairs Casey, Sean Canadian Marine Pilots' Association
True North Public Affairs Casey, Sean Canadian Music Publishers Association



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