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Who hired who: Updates to the lobbyist registry, Oct. 9-12

Published: Friday, 10/12/2012 5:39 pm EDT

Consultant registrations - new (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that hired consultant lobbyists, and the issues they were hired to lobby on, listed by client.
Oct 09, 2012 to Oct 12, 2012


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist Detail
4077211 Canada Inc. Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt Llp Brender, Mark The purpose is to address technical deficiencies in draft legislation to amend the Income Tax Act released on August 27, 2012.
4077211 Canada Inc. Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP / Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt s.e.n.c.r.l./s.r.l. Raizenne, Robert The purpose is to address technical deficiencies in draft legislation to amend the Income Tax Act released on August 27, 2012.
Alamos Gold Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Coates, Michael Canada/Turkey Trade agreement relating to mining operations within Turkey.
Alamos Gold Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Hyder, Goldy Canada/Turkey Trade agreement regarding mining operations within Turkey
Alamos Gold Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Roscoe, Elizabeth Canada/Turkey Trade agreement relating to mining operations within Turkey.
CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCERS / association canadienne des producteurs pétroliers Global Public Affairs Inc. Peters, Michael Canadian Environmental Assessment Act - As it relates to rules and regulations for new and existing oil and gas exploration sites Major Projects Management Office as it relates to the processing and approval of major oil and gas projects Northern Pipelines Policy - as it relates to infrastructure incentives for oil and gas exploration Species at Risk Act - as it relates to review of the act and balancing wildlife protection with existing and future oil and gas exploration projects Turning the Corner -Regulatory Framework to air emissions standards for oil and gas facilities
Canadian Printing Industries Association / Association canadienne de l'imprimerie Conseillers Affaires Publiques Inc. Lamoureux, Eric Policies or Program Comprehensive Strategic and Operating Review, with respect to government printing costs
Canadian Standards Association Global Public Affairs Garner, Gordon Communications with government stakeholders about the use of made-in-Canada standards in the National Standards System
Canadian Standards Association Global Public Affairs Inc. Chisholm, Carolyn Communications with government stakeholders about the use of made-in-Canada standards in the National Standards System
Carcross/Tagish First Nation Green Light Group Kirbie, Lisa Speaking with government officials regarding the Carcross/Tagish Financial Transfer Agreement.
Earth Rangers Summa Strategies Canada Inc Powers, Timothy Explore sources of funding for Earth Rangers programs (including the Bring Back the Wild initiative).
FB Canada Express Hill+Knowlton Strategies Hyder, Goldy Program criteria related to the Courier Low Value Shipment Program
Franklin Templeton Investments Corp. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP / Borden Ladner Gervais s.r.l. White, Laura Policies or Program Reqeusting amendments to the regime for taxing registered investments under Part X.2 of the Income Tax Act (Canada).
Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada / La Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Kelahear, Ryan "Section 207 4C" of the Criminal Code to permit charitable organizations to conduct gaming on or through a computer, video device or slot machines enabling charities to operate more efficiently
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation / La Fondation de la Recherche sur le Diabete Juvenile Hill+Knowlton Strategies Henley, Matthew Educational program on behalf of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation to raise awareness of Juvenile Type I diabetes in Canada Seek increased funding for researching the cure for Type I diabetes. Work in support of partnership proposal to the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario to launch and fund a clinical trial network for type 1 diabetes
Mosaic Drysdale Forstner Hamilton Public Affairs Ltd. Drysdale, Bruce Federal government policy with respect to rules surroudning potash mine development and overseas exports.
NetApp The Capital Hill Group Inc. Angus, David Seeking government contracts for information technology
NGRAIN Canada Corporation Policy Insights Inc. Mackay, Ken Seeking funding from the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative Program for development of a 3D tool and application platform for the Joint Strike Fighter and other complex platforms. Government Contract Pursued To provide advice related to opportunities with the Department of National Defence with respect to training systems and 3D simulation modeling.
Oakville Resources Crestview Inc. Pennylegion, David Mackenzie Valley Resources Management Act - Explore legislative options and regulatory process for creation of new power generation facilities in the North Northwest Territories Waters Act - Explore legislative options for creation of new power generation facilities in the North
Royal Canadian Mint / Monnaie Royale Canadienne PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP / PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP/s.r.l./s.e.n.c.r.l. Seyer, Mario Status of refining services under the Excise Tax Act.
The Canadian Bank Machine Association Hill+Knowlton Strategies Doran, Kim Finance Canada is consulting on updating the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act with respect to the banking industry. The Senate Banking Committee is holding hearings on updating the Proceeds or Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act with respect to the banking industry.
Uniques Software Corporation Flagship Solutions Buy, Serge Alexandre The objective is for Uniques Software to either be able to sell its system for filing or allow it to integrate with Citizenship and Immigration Canada's own system.
VIH Aviation Group Ltd. PROSPECTUS ASSOCIATES IN CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT INC Evershed, Robert Assist client secure a contract for Search & Rescue helicopter services.
Wauzhusk Onigum First Nation Possibilities Group Inc. Jaehrling, Norman The consultant will assist the First Nation in seeking funding from Industry Canada programs FedNor and FedDev as well as looking into other Aboriginal Affairs programs to fund the construction costs related to the completion of a new community centre.


Consultant registrations - new (by lobby firm)
A list of lobby firms with new clients.
Oct 09, 2012 to Oct 12, 2012


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP / Borden Ladner Gervais s.r.l. White, Laura Franklin Templeton Investments Corp.
Conseillers Affaires Publiques Inc. Lamoureux, Eric Canadian Printing Industries Association / Association canadienne de l'imprimerie
Crestview Inc. Pennylegion, David Oakville Resources
Drysdale Forstner Hamilton Public Affairs Ltd. Drysdale, Bruce Mosaic
Flagship Solutions Buy, Serge Alexandre Uniques Software Corporation
Global Public Affairs Garner, Gordon Canadian Standards Association
Global Public Affairs Inc. Peters, Michael CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCERS / association canadienne des producteurs pétroliers
Global Public Affairs Inc. Chisholm, Carolyn Canadian Standards Association
Green Light Group Kirbie, Lisa Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Coates, Michael Alamos Gold Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Hyder, Goldy Alamos Gold Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Roscoe, Elizabeth Alamos Gold Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Hyder, Goldy FB Canada Express
HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Kelahear, Ryan Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada / La Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Henley, Matthew Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation / La Fondation de la Recherche sur le Diabete Juvenile
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Doran, Kim The Canadian Bank Machine Association
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt Llp Brender, Mark 4077211 Canada Inc.
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP / Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt s.e.n.c.r.l./s.r.l. Raizenne, Robert 4077211 Canada Inc.
Policy Insights Inc. Mackay, Ken NGRAIN Canada Corporation
Possibilities Group Inc. Jaehrling, Norman Wauzhusk Onigum First Nation
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP / PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP/s.r.l./s.e.n.c.r.l. Seyer, Mario Royal Canadian Mint / Monnaie Royale Canadienne
Summa Strategies Canada Inc Powers, Timothy Earth Rangers
The Capital Hill Group Inc. Angus, David NetApp


Consultant registrations - renewals (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by client.
Oct 09, 2012 to Oct 12, 2012


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist
BHP Billiton Canada Inc. HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Goodman, Brian
Canadian Gaming Association Crestview Inc. Pennylegion, David
Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association / L'association canadienne du médicament générique Octane - Architecture stratégique et communication Charron, Daniel
General Electric Capital Canada Inc. Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Ahmed, Firoz
Harry Winston Diamond Corporation Crestview Inc. Pennylegion, David
Industry Coordinating Group for CEPA Self-Employed Khosla, Amardeep
Lockheed Martin Canada Prospectus Associates in Corporate Development inc Evershed, Robert
National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco / La Coalition nationale contre le tabac de contrebande Impact Public Affairs Woolford, Peter
National Trails Coalition Pathway Group Bangs, Jeff
Ontario Federation Of Anglers And Hunters Pathway Group Bangs, Jeff
Oshkosh Corporation The Capital Hill Group / Le Groupe Capital Hill Drouin, Frank
Oshkosh Corporation The Capital Hill Group Inc. Metcalfe, Herb
Oshkosh Corporation The Capital Hill Group Inc. Angus, David
Plan Canada Amanda Sussman Consulting Sussman, Amanda
Progress Energy Resources Corp. Leah Murray Communications Murray, Leah
True Position, Inc. Censiomax inc. Barnes, Peter


Consultant registrations - renewals (by lobby firm)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by lobby firm.
Oct 09, 2012 to Oct 12, 2012


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
Amanda Sussman Consulting Sussman, Amanda Plan Canada
Censiomax inc. Barnes, Peter True Position, Inc.
Crestview Inc. Pennylegion, David Canadian Gaming Association
Crestview Inc. Pennylegion, David Harry Winston Diamond Corporation
HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Goodman, Brian BHP Billiton Canada Inc.
Impact Public Affairs Woolford, Peter National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco / La Coalition nationale contre le tabac de contrebande
Leah Murray Communications Murray, Leah Progress Energy Resources Corp.
Octane - Architecture stratégique et communication Charron, Daniel Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association / L'association canadienne du médicament générique
Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Ahmed, Firoz General Electric Capital Canada Inc.
Pathway Group Bangs, Jeff National Trails Coalition
Pathway Group Bangs, Jeff Ontario Federation Of Anglers And Hunters
Prospectus Associates in Corporate Development inc Evershed, Robert Lockheed Martin Canada
Self-Employed Khosla, Amardeep Industry Coordinating Group for CEPA
The Capital Hill Group / Le Groupe Capital Hill Drouin, Frank Oshkosh Corporation
The Capital Hill Group Inc. Metcalfe, Herb Oshkosh Corporation
The Capital Hill Group Inc. Angus, David Oshkosh Corporation



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