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Who hired who: Updates to the lobbyist registry, Oct. 12 - 19

Published: Friday, 10/19/2012 5:32 pm EDT

Consultant registrations - new (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that hired consultant lobbyists, and the issues they were hired to lobby on, listed by client.
Oct 12, 2012 to Oct 19, 2012


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist Detail
Air Canada Ensight Canada Stewart, Will Employment and Training - with regards to programs which may be accessed to provide French Language training for employees comensurate with Air Canada's obligations under the Official Languages Act Environment - Application of European emission trading scheme to north american carriers, International Civil Aviation Organization process on immission management, domestic policy relating to green house gas immission. Industry - Extension of the government of Canada's tourism strategy as administered by Industry Canada. Advocacy as relates to overall competitive position of Canada's aviation industry with specific reference to government policies on the collection of airport rents, collection of the air travellers security charge and collection of domestic fuel excise tax. International Trade - As regards Canada's international trade and aviation agreements as per Transport Canada's Blue Sky policy through negotiating mandates extended to Canada's Chief Air Negotiator Regulation, Labour - with regards to occupational health and safety standards affecting airline employees and the operation of the airline at large, specific to the development of aviation occupational health & safety regulations by the departments of Labour and Transportation. As regards contractual understandings between Air Canada and its unionized employee groups. Policies or Program, Taxation and Finance - as regards collection of airport rents, collection of the domestic fuel excise tax and funding of the canadian air transport security authority. Also, regarding Canada's regulatory framework governing defined benefit pension plans for federally regulated employers. Tourism - with regards to program or policy which may promote the flow of tourism traffic to Canada and materially affect the health and viability of the airline industry in Canada. Tourism promotion policy through the Canadian Tourism Commission. The extension and development of the Government of Canada's tourism strategy under Industry Canada's policy guidance. Policies or Program, Transportation - Provisions of the Canadian Aviation regulations which govern the day to day operation of the airline or would alter the standard operating procedures of any employee. Fiscal policies of the government of Canada which pertain specifically to the collection of airport rents, the funding and operation of the canadian air transport security agency, the funding and operation of NAVCanada and the collection of the fuel excise tax.
Appraisal Institute of Canada--British Columbia / Institut Canadien Des …valuateurs ~ Colombie-Britannique Wpc Inc. Bailey, Michael To discuss with Government Officials the possibility of enhancing consumer transparency related to real estate appraisal fee disclosures.
Aviation Working Group Blake, Cassels & Graydon Llp Macintyre, Jason Attempting to amend and have the International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (2005, c. 3) proclaimed into force in Canada in order to have the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment implemented in Canada
Camden Passage Inc. Gowling Lafleur Henderson Llp Robert, Patrick Bill C313 - Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (non-corrective contact lenses). Communications with government stakeholders about the impacts of the designation of a non-corrective contact lens as a medical device.
Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health / Alliance canadienne pour la maladie mentale et la santé mentale Impact Public Affairs Hatch, Michael Increased funding for mental health services.
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Felesky Flynn Llp Chiu, Sarah Income Tax Regulations, C.R.C., c. 945, with respect to capital cost allowances in Class 47 and Class 43 for liquefied natural gas facilities.
Canadian Ferry Operators Association / Association canadienne des opérateurs de traversiers Flagship Solutions Buy, Serge Alexandre Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Organizing meetings to ensure that the association is consulted in the development phase of legislative proposals, bills, regulations, policies and programs related to the ferry sector, especially in the fields of maritime security, environment, import duties and passenger safety.
Capital Power Corporation Crestview Public Affairs Inc. Westcott, Michael Following and understanding the implementation of the Gobal Warming Policy to abide by in regards to power generation and carbon capture. This could involve meetings between the client and related public office holders and department officials to understand the impact and aim of the policy and program. Getting complete understanding and clarification to work within the Canadian Environmental Protection Act in regards to Green House Gas Emissions. This will include communicating with department officials and public office holders to ensure understanding.
CGI Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy IT-IM Information Technology-Information Management, cyber security
Cubic Defence Applications, Incorporated Cfn Consultants Macdonald, George Air Ranges, Virtual Training, communications, global tracking and cyber security
Cubic Defence Applications, Incorporated Cfn Consultants O'keefe, Kevin Air Ranges, Virtual Training, communications, global tracking and cyber security
Cubic Defence Applications, Incorporated Cfn Consultants Maclennan, Charles Air Ranges, Virtual Training, communications, global tracking and cyber security
Dairy Processors Association of Canada / Association des Transformateurs Laitiers du Canada Self-Employed Crichton, Jackie Bill C-38, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2012 and other measures, Division 19, amendments to the Food and Drug Act with respect to incorporation by reference and marketing authorizations CFIA Feed Regulatory Renewal, project to modernize the Feed Regulations CFIA Food Inspection Modernization Initiative with respect to food safety and consistent delivery CFIA Guidelines for Labelling of Highlighted Ingredients and Flavours with respect to clarity Dairy Products Regulations with respect to compositional standards. Food and Drug Regulations with respect to dairy standards of identity. S-11, Safe Food for Canadians Act with respect to the development of a national food safety strategy
Dcns Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Naval programs
DEW Engineering and Development ULC Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Carrying out research and analysis respecting DND requirements and procurement plans and strategies, providing bid proposal and marketing support pertaining to the acquisition of armour and armoured vehicles for the Canadian Forces
Earth Rangers Summa Strategies Canada Inc White, Patrick Explore sources of funding for Earth Rangers programs (including the Bring Back the Wild initiative).
Educational Testing Services Strategycorp Inc. Rosenfeld, Robert Designation of testing organizations to provide language tests to applicants for Canadian citizenship, permanent residence, and visas.
Educational Testing Services Strategycorp Ottawa Samson, Lisa Designation of testing organizations to provide language tests to applicants for Canadian citizenship, permanent residence, and visas
Engineering Office Deisenroth Canada (EODC), Development and Licensing Cfn Consultants Irwin, Steven DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE LAND TACTICAL SYSTEMS PROJECTS, CONTRACTS AND ACQUISITIONS
Engineering Office Deisenroth Canada (EODC), Development and Licensing Cfn Consultants Rousseau, Georges DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE LAND TACTICAL SYSTEMS PROJECTS, CONTRACTS AND ACQUISITIONS
Globalive Wireless Management Corp. Playbook Communications Van Soelen, Mike Policies or Program, Telecommunications policy with respect to the government's consultations on the spectrum auction rules, tower sharing and roaming agreement rules as well as as the CRTC Code of Conduct.
Google Canada Playbook Communications Van Soelen, Mike Regulation, Copyright Bill is C-11 : An Act to amend the Copyright Act (Copyright Modernization Act). Google would like to see this bill receive royal assent.
Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada / La Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne "Section 207 4C" of the Criminal Code to permit charitable organizations to conduct gaming on or through a computer, video device or slot machines enabling charities to operate more efficiently
Hockey Canada The Capital Hill Group Inc. Angus, David seeking funding for Hockey Canada's 100th Anniversary celebration in 2014
Hockey Canada The Capital Hill Group Inc. Harrington, Sonja seeking funding for Hockey Canada's 100th Anniversary celebrations in 2014
HP Enterprise Services Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Government Procurement in relation to the Pay Modernization program in regards to information management systems and procurement. Security as it relates to the Biometric Card program, the necessary secure information centres and data management that accompanies Biometric ID cards and the procurement of information management solutions.
JHT Holdings Inc. Global Public Affairs Cartwright, Philip Regulation To change transportation regulations to allow longer truck vehicle lengths on Canadian highways.
L3 Communications MAS Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Joint Strikefighter program (JSF)
LIFT Philanthropy Partners Hill + Knowlton Strategies Gibbons, Andy With respect to the government's commitment to social innovation lobbying to have venture philanthropy model included in furture intitiatives.
Lori Michaels Nexplan Expert Inc. Ethier, Michel Information demandées à un conseiller du CNRC-PARI (Programme d'Aide à la Recherche Industrielle) afin de qualifier l'entreprise pour une demande de support auprès du PPATN (Programme Pilote d'Adoption des Technologies Numériques). Demande de visite de l'entreprise par le conseiller.
mihealth Global Systems Inc. The Capital Hill Group Inc. Angus, David seeking government contract for IT services
Monster Canada Playbook Communications Van Soelen, Mike Development of a new website geared towards veterans and canadian forces personnel Government Contract Pursued Federal government's Deficit Reduction Action Plan with respect to modernizing the public sector
MTS Allstream (through Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP) Self-Employed Labossiere Parr, Danielle Competition Policy, in respect of the implementation of Wilson Panel recommendations Government Enterprise Network Services, in respect of the design of the program Telecommunications policy, in respect of essential facilities
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems International, Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Providing advice and strategic assistance with regard to public & private business opportunities in the high tech field.
Northrop Grumman International, Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Providing advice and strategic assistance with regard to public and private business opportunities in the aerospace field generally, and the value of unmanned vehicles for maritime surveillance specifically.
Northrop Grumman Park Air Systems Limited Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Communications equipment in support of Air Force operations
Oracle Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Develop marketing leads for public sector efficiency software.
Orbite Aluminae Inc. Self-Employed Després, Pierre Aide fédérale au rayonnement d'Orbite à l'étranger par l'entremise des ambassades et les missions économiques. Demande de prêt auprès de la Société pour l'expansion des exportations (Export Development Canada) pour la construction d'une usine d'alumine de haute pureté à Cap-Chat, Québec Obtenir des contributions financières touchant les infrastrutures ( routes/ port ) reliés aux activités d'Orbite en Gaspésie et la recherche et la recherche et développement de procédés écologiques ( verts) . Obtenir des subventions de Ressources humaines et Développement social Canada (RHDSC), et/ou de Développement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec pour la construction et le développement de la main d'oeuvre d'une usine d'extraction et de transformation de l'argilite alumineuse en être construite à Gaspésie ainsi que quant au plan de production. Obtenir du financement du Programme d'aide à la recherche industrielle (PARI) du Conseil National de Recherches Canada (CNRC) aux fins des programmes de recherche.
Snc-Lavalin Operations & Maintenance Inc. Cfn Consultants Irwin, Steven CANCAP (Canadian Contractor Assistance Program) Contract; other potential DND outsourcing of support services.
Snc-Lavalin Operations & Maintenance Inc. Cfn Consultants Rousseau, Georges CANCAP (Canadian Contractor Assistance Program) Contract; other potential DND outsourcing of support services.
Soprema inc. Groupe Gfg Goulet, Ghyslain Aide au client pour l'obtention de son financement et/ou aides financières pour financer son projet d'entreprise
Sun News Network Ensight Canada Mackenzie, Michelle Sun News is looking for mandatory distribution on analog and digital basic service in Canada.
Vector Aerospace Corporation Aerospace Bizdev Inc. Wolstencroft, Linda CH146 Griffon Glass Cockpit Uprade Policies or Program, Government Contract Pursued CH147F Chinook Medium Heavy Lift Helicopter In-Service Support Cormorant Helicopter Engine Repair and Overhaul (existing contract) Sea King Helicopter Repair and Overhaul contracts (existing)
ViaSat, Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy To position ViaSat as credible supplier of Tactical Data Link equipment to the National Defence Materiel Group.
Ville de Sherbrooke Harvey International Inc. Harvey, Pierre Recherche de financement pour la mise à niveau des infrastructures de l'aéroport de Sherbrooke auprès de Développement …conomique Canada


Consultant registrations - new (by lobby firm)
A list of lobby firms with new clients.
Oct 12, 2012 to Oct 19, 2012


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
Aerospace Bizdev Inc. Wolstencroft, Linda Vector Aerospace Corporation
Blake, Cassels & Graydon Llp Macintyre, Jason Aviation Working Group
Cfn Consultants Irwin, Steven Arva Industries Inc.
Cfn Consultants Macdonald, George Cubic Defence Applications, Incorporated
Cfn Consultants O'keefe, Kevin Cubic Defence Applications, Incorporated
Cfn Consultants Maclennan, Charles Cubic Defence Applications, Incorporated
Cfn Consultants Irwin, Steven Engineering Office Deisenroth Canada (EODC), Development and Licensing
Cfn Consultants Rousseau, Georges Engineering Office Deisenroth Canada (EODC), Development and Licensing
Cfn Consultants Irwin, Steven Lockheed Martin Canada
Cfn Consultants Butts, George Lockheed Martin Canada
Cfn Consultants Butts, George Sikorsky Canada Inc.
Cfn Consultants Irwin, Steven Snc-Lavalin Operations & Maintenance Inc.
Cfn Consultants Rousseau, Georges Snc-Lavalin Operations & Maintenance Inc.
Cfn Consultants Irwin, Steven Textron Systems
Crestview Public Affairs Inc. Westcott, Michael Capital Power Corporation
Ensight Canada Stewart, Will Air Canada
Ensight Canada Mackenzie, Michelle Sun News Network
Felesky Flynn Llp Chiu, Sarah Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
Flagship Solutions Buy, Serge Alexandre Canadian Ferry Operators Association / Association canadienne des opérateurs de traversiers
Global Public Affairs Cartwright, Philip JHT Holdings Inc.
Gowling Lafleur Henderson Llp Robert, Patrick Camden Passage Inc.
Groupe Gfg Goulet, Ghyslain Soprema inc.
Harvey International Inc. Harvey, Pierre Ville de Sherbrooke
Hill + Knowlton Strategies Gibbons, Andy LIFT Philanthropy Partners
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy CGI Canada
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Dcns
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy DEW Engineering and Development ULC
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada / La Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy HP Enterprise Services
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy L3 Communications MAS
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems International, Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Northrop Grumman International, Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Northrop Grumman Park Air Systems Limited
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy Oracle Canada
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Walsh, Darcy ViaSat, Inc.
Impact Public Affairs Hatch, Michael Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health / Alliance canadienne pour la maladie mentale et la santé mentale
Nexplan Expert Inc. Ethier, Michel Lori Michaels
Playbook Communications Van Soelen, Mike Globalive Wireless Management Corp.
Playbook Communications Van Soelen, Mike Google Canada
Playbook Communications Van Soelen, Mike Monster Canada
Self-Employed Crichton, Jackie Dairy Processors Association of Canada / Association des Transformateurs Laitiers du Canada
Self-Employed Labossiere Parr, Danielle MTS Allstream (through Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP)
Self-Employed Després, Pierre Orbite Aluminae Inc.
Strategycorp Inc. Rosenfeld, Robert Educational Testing Services
Strategycorp Ottawa Samson, Lisa Educational Testing Services
Summa Strategies Canada Inc White, Patrick Earth Rangers
The Capital Hill Group Inc. Angus, David Hockey Canada
The Capital Hill Group Inc. Harrington, Sonja Hockey Canada
The Capital Hill Group Inc. Angus, David mihealth Global Systems Inc.
Wpc Inc. Bailey, Michael Appraisal Institute of Canada--British Columbia / Institut Canadien Des …valuateurs ~ Colombie-Britannique


Consultant registrations - renewals (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by client.
Oct 12, 2012 to Oct 19, 2012


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist
Agriculture Union - PSAC / Syndicat Agriculture - AFPC J. Thompson Communications Inc. Thompson, Jim
Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Ltd. Self-Employed Weekes, John
Amalgamated Transit Union - Canada / Syndicat Uni du Transport Sussex Strategy Group Inc. Desmarais, Marc
Canadian Fuels Association / Association canadienne des carburants Temple Scott Associates Inc. Leblanc, Jeff
Canadian Fuels Association / Association canadienne des carburants Temple Scott Associates Inc. Stilborn, Lisa
CANADIAN MARINE PILOTS' ASSOCIATION / Association des pilotes maritimes du Canada True North Public Affairs Roche, James
Cascade Aerospace Inc. Aerospace Bizdev Inc. Wolstencroft, Linda
Cascade Aerospace Inc. Cfn Consultants Gribben, Jim
Chemtura Sussex Strategy Group Inc. Desmarais, Marc
CNOOC International Limited Stikeman, Elliott Hunter, Q.c., Lawson A.w.
Cydney Mar inc. Nexplan Expert Inc. Ethier, Michel
Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick Self-Employed Waddy, Fred
EK3 Technologies Strategycorp Rust, Martin
EK3 Technologies Strategycorp Inc. Rosenfeld, Robert
Encanto Potash Corporation Gowling Lafleur Henderson Llp Robert, Patrick
Estee Lauder Companies Inc. (The) Lorimer Public Affairs Lorimer, James
Exelis International Valley Associates Inc. Martin, Robert Michel
Fraser Valley Real Estate Board Self-Employed Olson, Scott
Globalive Wireless Management Corp. Playbook Communications Morin, Emmanuel
GS1 Canada 1715570 Ontario Inc. Turik, Lori
Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited Temple Scott Associates Inc. Pearce, Emily
Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited Temple Scott Associates Inc. Rayner, Duncan
ITT Exelis Self-Employed Hood, Don
JHT Holdings Inc Global Public Affairs Connors, Marina
JHT Holdings Inc. Global Public Affairs Mulder, Nick
Kinder Morgan Canada Inc Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc Macintosh, Kevin
Labourers Union International local 183 Creighton Consulting Creighton, Anne
Laurentian View Dairy Walden & Associates Walden, John
Magazines Canada Everson Public Affairs Everson, Jim
Marathon Oil Canada Corporation Brendan Hawley & Associates Hawley, Brendan
Marinvent Corporation inc. Cipolla R&D Consultants Inc. Cipolla, Marco
MasterCard Canada Inc. Temple Scott Associates Inc. Munnoch, Scott
Mastercard Canada Inc. Temple Scott Associates Inc. Rayner, Duncan
MasterCard Canada Inc. Temple Scott Associates Inc. Moors, Don
Mine/EOD CLR Inc The Capital Hill Group Inc. Angus, David
Necando Solutions / Solutions Necando Nexplan Expert Inc. Ethier, Michel
Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors Cg Management & Communications Gracey, Donald
Prestige Nursing Service Inc A.c.e. Consulting Ali, Fareid Ken
Reckitt Benckiser Environics Communications Inc. Maceachern, Greg
Ridley Terminals Users Group Global Public Affairs Cartwright, Philip
Ridley Terminals Users Group Global Public Affairs Toner, Patricia
Shaw Communications Inc. Self-Employed Stein, Ken
Snc-Lavalin Operations & Maintenance Inc. Cfn Consultants Butts, George
U.S. Steel Canada Ensight Canada Larocque, Jacqueline
Ultramar Ltd. / Ultramar Ltee. Tactix Government Relations Inc. / Tactix Relations Gouvernementales Inc. Morgan, Richard A.
University Of Saskatchewan Mckercher Llp Richardson, Douglas


Consultant registrations - renewals (by lobby firm)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by lobby firm.
Oct 12, 2012 to Oct 19, 2012


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
1715570 Ontario Inc. Turik, Lori GS1 Canada
A.c.e. Consulting Ali, Fareid Ken Prestige Nursing Service Inc
Aerospace Bizdev Inc. Wolstencroft, Linda Cascade Aerospace Inc.
Brendan Hawley & Associates Hawley, Brendan Marathon Oil Canada Corporation
Cfn Consultants Gribben, Jim Cascade Aerospace Inc.
Cfn Consultants Butts, George Snc-Lavalin Operations & Maintenance Inc.
Cg Management & Communications Gracey, Donald Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors
Cipolla R&D Consultants Inc. Cipolla, Marco Marinvent Corporation inc.
Creighton Consulting Creighton, Anne Labourers Union International local 183
Ensight Canada Larocque, Jacqueline U.S. Steel Canada
Environics Communications Inc. Maceachern, Greg Reckitt Benckiser
Everson Public Affairs Everson, Jim Magazines Canada
Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc Macintosh, Kevin Kinder Morgan Canada Inc
Global Public Affairs Connors, Marina JHT Holdings Inc
Global Public Affairs Mulder, Nick JHT Holdings Inc.
Global Public Affairs Cartwright, Philip Ridley Terminals Users Group
Global Public Affairs Toner, Patricia Ridley Terminals Users Group
Gowling Lafleur Henderson Llp Robert, Patrick Encanto Potash Corporation
J. Thompson Communications Inc. Thompson, Jim Agriculture Union - PSAC / Syndicat Agriculture - AFPC
Lorimer Public Affairs Lorimer, James Estee Lauder Companies Inc. (The)
Mckercher Llp Richardson, Douglas University Of Saskatchewan
Nexplan Expert Inc. Ethier, Michel Cydney Mar inc.
Nexplan Expert Inc. Ethier, Michel Necando Solutions / Solutions Necando
Playbook Communications Morin, Emmanuel Globalive Wireless Management Corp.
Self-Employed Weekes, John Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Ltd.
Self-Employed Waddy, Fred Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick
Self-Employed Olson, Scott Fraser Valley Real Estate Board
Self-Employed Hood, Don ITT Exelis
Self-Employed Stein, Ken Shaw Communications Inc.
Stikeman, Elliott Hunter, Q.c., Lawson A.w. CNOOC International Limited
Strategycorp Rust, Martin EK3 Technologies
Strategycorp Inc. Rosenfeld, Robert EK3 Technologies
Sussex Strategy Group Inc. Desmarais, Marc Amalgamated Transit Union - Canada / Syndicat Uni du Transport
Sussex Strategy Group Inc. Desmarais, Marc Chemtura
Tactix Government Relations Inc. / Tactix Relations Gouvernementales Inc. Morgan, Richard A. Ultramar Ltd. / Ultramar Ltee.
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Leblanc, Jeff Canadian Fuels Association / Association canadienne des carburants
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Stilborn, Lisa Canadian Fuels Association / Association canadienne des carburants
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Pearce, Emily Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Rayner, Duncan Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Munnoch, Scott MasterCard Canada Inc.
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Rayner, Duncan Mastercard Canada Inc.
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Moors, Don MasterCard Canada Inc.
The Capital Hill Group Inc. Angus, David Mine/EOD CLR Inc
True North Public Affairs Roche, James CANADIAN MARINE PILOTS' ASSOCIATION / Association des pilotes maritimes du Canada
Valley Associates Inc. Martin, Robert Michel Exelis International
Walden & Associates Walden, John Laurentian View Dairy


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