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Who hired who: Updates to the lobbyist registry, Oct. 19 - 26

Published: Friday, 10/26/2012 2:18 pm EDT

Consultant registrations - new (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that hired consultant lobbyists, and the issues they were hired to lobby on, listed by client.
Oct 19, 2012 to Oct 26, 2012


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist Detail
Brain Canada Public Affairs Advisors VON HERFF, MICHAEL Canada Brain Research Fund, with respect to promotion of neuroscience and related research Policies, programs and proposals related to mental health, neuroscience research and initaitives to raise awareness about brain disorders and treatments
Calian Technologies Hill+Knowlton Strategies MERSEREAU, BRIAN Lobbying requirements are for an as needed basis based on programs of interest to Calian as they arise. The programs of focus will include possible defence training related to army truck programs, naval ship programs programs with NSPS, and fixed wing search and rescue aircraft, in addtion to health related programs as they evolve with Defence, Veterans Affairs and Corrections.
Calian Technologies Hill+Knowlton Strategies Chamberlain, Sharon Lobbying requirements are for an as needed basis based on programs of interest to Calian as they arise. The programs of focus will include possible defence training related to army truck programs, naval ship programs programs with NSPS, and fixed wing search and rescue aircraft, in addtion to health related programs as they evolve with Defence, Veterans Affairs and Corrections.
Calian Technologies Hill+Knowlton Strategies WALSH, DARCY Lobbying requirements are for an as needed basis based on programs of interest to Calian as they arise. The programs of focus will include possible defence training related to army truck programs, naval ship programs programs with NSPS, and fixed wing search and rescue aircraft, in addtion to health related programs as they evolve with Defence, Veterans Affairs and Corrections.
Calian Technologies Hill+Knowlton Strategies Mercier, Louise Lobbying requirements are for an as needed basis based on programs of interest to Calian as they arise. The programs of focus will include possible defence training related to army truck programs, naval ship programs programs with NSPS, and fixed wing search and rescue aircraft, in addtion to health related programs as they evolve with Defence, Veterans Affairs and Corrections.
Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc (through Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP) Self-Employed LaBossiere Parr, Danielle Communicating importance of supporting small cable's community channels in small towns and rural areas as well as the impacts of vertical integration on the continuing existence of independent television distributors in Canada. Seeking more favourable Telecommunications Policy environment. Informing decision makers about the challenges faced by small cable systems in Canada with respect to existing Telecommunications Policy Framework.
Canadian Printing Industries Association / Association canadienne de l'imprimerie Public Affairs Advisors VON HERFF, MICHAEL Regulation Comprehensive Strategic and Operating Review, with respect to government printing costs
Canadian Urban Transit Association / Association Canadienne du Transport Urban Earnscliffe BC Inc. Munro, Marcella Policies or Program Dedicated funding for urban public transit - Campaign to implement a dedicated portion of Federal Funding Programs specifically for public transit projects; includes pre-budget recommendations and proposals. Municipal infrastructure investment - Activity to promote Federal investment in Municipal infrastructure projects; includes pre-Budget recommendations and proposals. National Transit Strategy - Development of comprehensive, integrated national administrative plan for public transit, including elements addressing funding, land use, research, incentives and accountability. Tax exemption of employer-provided transit benefits - Campaign to allow employers to provide employees with a transit benefit for the journey towork that would be exempted from income tax.
Danone Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies South, Robert Changes to Health Canada Food Fortification regulation, specifically with respect to probiotics. Health Claims through Health Canada on Consumer Products with respect to probiotics.
Fonds de solidarité FTQ Hill+Knowlton Strategies Clarke, Ryan Taxation and Finance - with regards to Canadian tax policies which have a material financial impact on the operation and long term financial viability of pension and savings plans in Canada Regulation, ìBill C-377, An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act (Requirements for labour organizations)'Seek to clarify or amend the definition of "labour trust" in section 1 of Bill C-377 in order to exclude ì labour-sponsored venture capital corporations', such as the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.)., as prescribed by the Income Tax Regulations
Food Processors of Canada Tactix Government Relations and Public Affairs / Tactix Colbert, Brent Changes to standardized container regulations as per announcement in Budget 2012; Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act Regulations.
Food Processors of Canada Tactix Government Relations and Public Affairs Inc. MAINS, HOWARD Changes to standardized container regulations as per announcement in Budget 2012; Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act Regulations.
JHT Holdings Inc. Global Public Affairs Toner, Patricia Regulation To change transportation regulations to allow longer truck vehicle lengths on Canadian highways.
LIFT Philanthropy Partners HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Kelahear, Ryan With respect to the government's commitment to social innovation lobbying to have venture philanthropy model included in furture intitiatives.
LIFT Philanthropy Partners Hill+Knowlton Strategies Doran, Kim With respect to the government's commitment to social innovation lobbying to have venture philanthropy model included in furture intitiatives.
Marine Trail Holdings No. 3 Ltd. McMillan LLP Montenegrino, Emanuel Capacity Building/Devolution Program by Province with respect to seeking Federal government assistance in the transfer of lands.
Northern Waterworks Inc. Self-Employed Harper, Darren 1) Aboriginal Affairs - section 35 of the canadian constitution 10) Health - First Nation and Inuit Health transition fund and other issues related to First Nations health, transfer and control of health programs Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, 11) Housing - First Nation housing problems under section 95 and section 10 of Canada and Mortgage Housing Act (CMHC) 12) Industry - section 35 on the indian act and private industry duty to consult 13) Labour - Seeking funding under the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy, Skills and Partnership Fund & Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership - job readiness and training for skilled labours. 14) Mining - Minerals and Metals Policy as it relates to Aboriginal Participation and policies 2) Arts and Culture - canada's cultural policy (93-3e) - seeking funding from the Canadian Council for the Arts under Aboriginal writing and publication support 3) Economic Development - federal framework for Aboriginal Economic Development as it relates to mining and energy related development. 4) Education - based on Aboriginal framework and federal jurisdiction (subsection 91(24)) under the Indian Act. (Ie. post secondary education.) 5) Energy - national energy policy and the regulation of pipelines, transmission lines, energy development and trade. 6) Fisheries - DOF - former aboriginal fisheries strategy - Discussion with the Department under the suspension of the Aboriginal Inland Habitat Program 7) Government Procurement - Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PSAB) - seeking funding from the Government Procurement Strategy (Aboriginal Business and Development) as it relates to industry specific development
Research in Motion Limited Hill+Knowlton Strategies Henley, Matthew Copyright and Intellectual Property, specifically the ongoing consultations on Canadian copyright legislation. Environmental Policy ñ Discussions regarding the Canadian governments position in response to the recommendations of the Copenhagen Communiqué on Climate Change Obligations regarding lawful access, specifically the bill formerly known as Bill C-46, the Investigative Powers for the 21st Century Act Obligations regarding lawful access, specifically the bill formerly known as Bill C-47, the Technical Assistance for Law Enforcement in the 21st Century Act Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Consultation - To comment on policy and administrative aspects of SR&ED program, in response to consultation Spectrum Policy - participation in discussions on Canada's position internationally Trade Policy, with respect to RIM market access issues experienced internationally, specifically tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers Transportation Policy - Discussions regarding improving local and regional transportation infrastructure in RIM operating regions within Canada
Teekay Shipping (Canada) Ltd. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Canada HUGHES, JACK Amendments to the Tax Act as they relate to the treatment of international shipping companies Clarification and expansion of Sections 81(1)(c) and 250(6) of Income Tax Act and related provisions and regulations
The NPD Group Inc. The Capital Hill Group / Le Groupe Capital Hill Drouin, Frank Contract pursued to provide market research services.
VideoLAtitude Inc. Gestion Lynch Inc. Choquette, Lyne Canada Economic Development for Quebec regions - Quebec Economic Development Program for funding no interests for commercialization outside Canada. National Research Council Canada - Youth Employment Program for grant related to the employment of a new graduate Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Programs of grant involving researchers and university students. Programs unidentified for now.
Writers Guild of Canada True North Public Affairs GERMAN, ALISON Bill C-11 - Copyright Amendments in respect of compensation for creators and authorship of audio-visual work Policies or Program, Taxation and Finance: Is relevent in respect of audio-visual tax credits and pre-budget consultations


Consultant registrations - new (by lobby firm)
A list of lobby firms with new clients.
Oct 19, 2012 to Oct 26, 2012


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
Earnscliffe BC Inc. Munro, Marcella Canadian Urban Transit Association / Association Canadienne du Transport Urban
Gestion Lynch Inc. Choquette, Lyne VideoLAtitude Inc.
Global Public Affairs Toner, Patricia JHT Holdings Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies MERSEREAU, BRIAN Calian Technologies
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Chamberlain, Sharon Calian Technologies
Hill+Knowlton Strategies WALSH, DARCY Calian Technologies
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Mercier, Louise Calian Technologies
Hill+Knowlton Strategies South, Robert Danone Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Clarke, Ryan Fonds de solidarité FTQ
HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Kelahear, Ryan LIFT Philanthropy Partners
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Doran, Kim LIFT Philanthropy Partners
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Henley, Matthew Research in Motion Limited
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Canada HUGHES, JACK Teekay Shipping (Canada) Ltd.
McMillan LLP Montenegrino, Emanuel Marine Trail Holdings No. 3 Ltd.
Public Affairs Advisors VON HERFF, MICHAEL Brain Canada
Public Affairs Advisors VON HERFF, MICHAEL Canadian Printing Industries Association / Association canadienne de l'imprimerie
Self-Employed LaBossiere Parr, Danielle Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc (through Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP)
Self-Employed Harper, Darren Northern Waterworks Inc.
Tactix Government Relations and Public Affairs / Tactix Colbert, Brent Food Processors of Canada
Tactix Government Relations and Public Affairs Inc. MAINS, HOWARD Food Processors of Canada
The Capital Hill Group / Le Groupe Capital Hill Drouin, Frank The NPD Group Inc.
True North Public Affairs GERMAN, ALISON Writers Guild of Canada


Consultant registrations - renewals (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by client.
Oct 19, 2012 to Oct 26, 2012


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist
Canadian Arts Coalition / Coalition Canadienne des Arts Ensight Canada Mackenzie, Michelle
Canadian Arts Coalition / Coalition Canadienne des Arts Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline
Canadian Fertilizer Institute Temple Scott Associates Inc. LeBlanc, Jeff
Canadian Fertilizer Institute / Institut canadien des engrais Temple Scott Associates Inc. Pearce, Emily
Canadian Toy Association / L'association Canadienne Du Jouet Global Public Affairs BARROWS, GIL
Canadian Urban Transit Association / Association Canadienne du Transport Urban Earnscliffe Strategy Group ALBINATI, ANDRE
Canpotex Limited Heenan Blaikie LLP Caron, Joseph
Conseil québécois des entreprises adaptées JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE
Conseil québécois des entreprises Adaptées (Cqea) JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE
Enhance Energy Inc Earnscliffe Strategy Group MCCOLL, VELMA
Friends of Canadian Broadcasting Coalescence Inc. Morrison, Ian
La fromagerie Polyethnique inc. JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE
Labatt Breweries of Canada / La Brasserie Labatt Global Public Affairs BARROWS, GIL
Newfoundland Association of Realtors Self-Employed Norcott, Neil
Nisga'a Nation Rosenbloom Aldridge Bartley & Rosling Aldridge, James
Oshkosh Corporation The Capital Hill Group WOODS, NANCI
Paradigm Shift Technologies JPOM INC. WRIGHT, JOHN
Progress Energy Resources Corp. Leah Murray Communications Murray, Leah
Qatar Airlines Ferry de Kerckhove International Consultants Inc. de Kerckhove, Ferry
Quest Software Inc 1618779 Ontario Inc Morin, Janine
Retail Council of Canada / Conseil canadien du commerce de detail Temple Scott Associates Inc. Cross, Clarke
RS Technologies Self-Employed Quaiattini, Gordon
Seaspan Marine Corporation CFN CONSULTANTS King, Terry
Sofema FMJ Solutions Mercier, Louise
Vale Canada Ltd. Public Affairs Advisors VON HERFF, MICHAEL
VISA Canada Corporation / Corporation Visa Canada Public Affairs Advisors VON HERFF, MICHAEL


Consultant registrations - renewals (by lobby firm)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by lobby firm.
Oct 19, 2012 to Oct 26, 2012


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
1618779 Ontario Inc Morin, Janine Quest Software Inc
CFN CONSULTANTS King, Terry Seaspan Marine Corporation
Coalescence Inc. Morrison, Ian Friends of Canadian Broadcasting
Earnscliffe Strategy Group ALBINATI, ANDRE Canadian Urban Transit Association / Association Canadienne du Transport Urban
Earnscliffe Strategy Group MCCOLL, VELMA Enhance Energy Inc
Ensight Canada Mackenzie, Michelle Canadian Arts Coalition / Coalition Canadienne des Arts
Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline Canadian Arts Coalition / Coalition Canadienne des Arts
Ferry de Kerckhove International Consultants Inc. de Kerckhove, Ferry Qatar Airlines
FMJ Solutions Mercier, Louise Sofema
Global Public Affairs BARROWS, GIL Canadian Toy Association / L'association Canadienne Du Jouet
Global Public Affairs BARROWS, GIL Labatt Breweries of Canada / La Brasserie Labatt
Heenan Blaikie LLP Caron, Joseph Canpotex Limited
JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE Conseil québécois des entreprises adaptées
JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE Conseil québécois des entreprises Adaptées (Cqea)
JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE La fromagerie Polyethnique inc.
JPOM INC. WRIGHT, JOHN Paradigm Shift Technologies
Leah Murray Communications Murray, Leah Progress Energy Resources Corp.
Public Affairs Advisors VON HERFF, MICHAEL Vale Canada Ltd.
Public Affairs Advisors VON HERFF, MICHAEL VISA Canada Corporation / Corporation Visa Canada
Rosenbloom Aldridge Bartley & Rosling Aldridge, James Nisga'a Nation
Self-Employed Norcott, Neil Newfoundland Association of Realtors
Self-Employed Quaiattini, Gordon RS Technologies
Temple Scott Associates Inc. LeBlanc, Jeff Canadian Fertilizer Institute
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Pearce, Emily Canadian Fertilizer Institute / Institut canadien des engrais
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Cross, Clarke Retail Council of Canada / Conseil canadien du commerce de detail
The Capital Hill Group WOODS, NANCI Oshkosh Corporation


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