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Consultant registrations - new (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that hired consultant lobbyists, and the issues they were hired to lobby on, listed by client.
Nov 23, 2012 to Nov 30, 2012
Client | Lobby Firm | Lobbyist | Detail |
Consortium national de formation en santé | Stonecliffe Consulting Group Inc. | Bourgeois, Robert | Monitoring the development of the next phase of the Government's strategy on official languages to incite the Government of Canada to implement programs that will ultimately increase the presence and support of French-speaking healthcare professionals and researchers and improve the quality of healthcare service offerings that are adapted to the needs of the Francophone minority communities. |
Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia | Self-Employed | Veenhuis, Hank | Policies or Program Implementation of Special Safeguard Measures for supply managed products, dairy products in particular. Agreement on Internal Trade- Review of Chapter 9. WTO (world trade organization) negotiations on Agriculture as it relates to supply management. |
Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia | Self-Employed | Davidson, Gavin | Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution Implementation of Special Safeguard Measures for supply-management products, dairy products in particular. Agreement on Internal Trade- Review of Chapter 9. WTO (World Trade Organization) negotiations on Agriculture as it relates to supply management |
Handicap International Canada | True North Public Affairs / Franc Nord Affaires Publiques | TOMSON, PIERRE | Convention des droits des personnes handicapées des Nations unies qui a été signé et ratifié par le Canada - mise en oeuvre des obligations afférentes à l'article 32. Recherche de financements auprès de l'Agence canadienne de développement international (ACDI) et des Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada (MAECIC) pour des projets relatifs à la mission de Handicap International soit l'action d'urgence suite à des conflits ou des catastrophes, le déminage humanitaire, l'insertion sociale, la santé physique et mentale, l'éducation et la prévention. Recherche de financements auprès de Santé Canada pour des projets de recherche relatifs au handicap et au développement. Traité d'Oslo visant l'interdiction des bombes à sous-munitions (une fois ratifié) - mise en oeuvre des obligations afférentes. Traité d'Oslo visant l'interdiction des bombes à sous-munitions - ratification du traité qui a été signé par le Canada. Traité d'Ottawa visant l'interdiction de l'utilisation des mines anti-personnel qui a été signé et ratifié par le Canada - mise en oeuvre des obligations afférentes. |
Jim Pattison Entertainment Ltd. | StrategyCorp Inc. | Rosenfeld, Robert | The potential development of regulation regarding the importation of marine animals. |
Open Access Limited | Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. | Capobianco, John | Regulation Regarding the government's implementation of C-25 (An Act respecting Pooled Pension Plans) and accompanying regulations governing the offering of PRPPs as a pension saving tool by investment firms for employers and employees. |
Roulottes La Bulle Inc. | PME + Inc. | ROUSSEL, MONTCALM | Aide financière remboursable pour démarrage d'entreprise de Développement Économique Canada |
Tawich Development Corporation / Corporation de Developpement Tawich | Self-Employed | Pereira, Bruno | Recherche de financement pour la formation de main d'oeuvre auprès du CHRD ( Cree Human Resources Department) |
The Nunavut Resources Corporation | ECO Communication Options | Wells, Kaylie | Eligibility of Regional Inuit Associations for P3 Canada Fund Inc. participation. |
Upper Lakes Group Inc. | Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP | BROCK, DANIEL | Requesting information related to the approval from the Minister of Finance and the Minister of International Trade of the sale of an asset owned by Export Development Corporation. |
Consultant registrations - new (by lobby firm)
A list of lobby firms with new clients.
Nov 23, 2012 to Nov 30, 2012
Lobby Firm | Lobbyist | Client |
CFN CONSULTANTS | LAGUEUX, PIERRE | Kongsberg Defence Systems |
ECO Communication Options | Wells, Kaylie | The Nunavut Resources Corporation |
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP | BROCK, DANIEL | Upper Lakes Group Inc. |
Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. | Capobianco, John | Open Access Limited |
PME + Inc. | ROUSSEL, MONTCALM | Roulottes La Bulle Inc. |
Self-Employed | Veenhuis, Hank | Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia |
Self-Employed | Davidson, Gavin | Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia |
Self-Employed | Pereira, Bruno | Tawich Development Corporation / Corporation de Developpement Tawich |
Stonecliffe Consulting Group Inc. | Bourgeois, Robert | Consortium national de formation en santé |
StrategyCorp Inc. | Rosenfeld, Robert | Jim Pattison Entertainment Ltd. |
True North Public Affairs / Franc Nord Affaires Publiques | TOMSON, PIERRE | Handicap International Canada |
Consultant registrations - renewals (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by client.
Nov 23, 2012 to Nov 30, 2012
Client | Lobby Firm | Lobbyist |
Avancie Inc. | Gestion Lynch Inc. | Choquette, Lyne |
Canadian Association of Broadcasters / Association canadienne des radiodiffuseurs | Self-Employed | van Loon, Gabriel |
Canadian Boreal Initiative / Initiative Boreale Canadienne | Pivot Strategic Consulting | FREEMAN, AARON |
Canadian Boreal Initiative / Initiative Boreale Canadienne | Self-Employed | Young, Alan |
Canadian Bus Association | THE ROTHWELL GROUP INC. | RESNICK, MARK |
Canadian Fuels Association / association canadienne des carburants | Self-Employed | Simpkins, William |
CNOOC International Limited | Hill+Knowlton Strategies | ROSCOE, ELIZABETH |
EADS Canada | The Capital Hill Group Inc. | Harrington, Sonja |
Flying Colours Corp. | Amer & Associates / Amer et Associés | Amer, Jay |
Howard Equities Inc. | Edmonds & Gordon Inc. | Cameron, Ron |
id-Mouse Inc | Self-Employed | Véronneau, Robert L. |
Institute for Quantum Computing | StrategyCorp | Rust, Martin |
Institute for Quantum Computing | StrategyCorp Inc. | Rosenfeld, Robert |
Institute for Quantum Computing | STRATEGYCORP OTTAWA | SAMSON, LISA |
Kongsberg Defence Systems | CFN CONSULTANTS | Parker, Ian |
Kongsberg Defence Systems | CFN CONSULTANTS | Irwin, Steven |
Kongsberg Defence Systems | CFN CONSULTANTS | Rousseau, Georges |
l'Association des universités de la francophonie canadienne | Stonecliffe Consulting Group Inc. | Bourgeois, Robert |
Merit Canada | Temple Scott Associates Inc. | Pearce, Emily |
Northumberland Manufacturing Association | Amer & Associates / Amer et Associés | Amer, Jay |
Porsche Cars of North America, Inc. | Low Murchison Radnoff LLP | Salvatore, Paul |
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (U.S.) | PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | Fontaine, Dan |
Printers Plus | MARKETWORKS LTD | Hutchinson, Kelly |
Quails' Gate Vineyard Estate Winery Ltd. | Technology Analytics | Filipiak, Ray |
Research in Motion Limited | Hill+Knowlton Strategies | ROSCOE, ELIZABETH |
Sporting Arms & Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute | DG Advisor, LLC | Barrett, Ben |
Weir Canada Inc. | Blackburn Consulting | DOVER, STEVEN |
Consultant registrations - renewals (by lobby firm)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by lobby firm.
Nov 23, 2012 to Nov 30, 2012
Lobby Firm | Lobbyist | Client |
Amer & Associates / Amer et Associés | Amer, Jay | Flying Colours Corp. |
Amer & Associates / Amer et Associés | Amer, Jay | Northumberland Manufacturing Association |
Blackburn Consulting | DOVER, STEVEN | Weir Canada Inc. |
CFN CONSULTANTS | Parker, Ian | Kongsberg Defence Systems |
CFN CONSULTANTS | Irwin, Steven | Kongsberg Defence Systems |
CFN CONSULTANTS | Rousseau, Georges | Kongsberg Defence Systems |
DG Advisor, LLC | Barrett, Ben | Sporting Arms & Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute |
Edmonds & Gordon Inc. | Cameron, Ron | Howard Equities Inc. |
Gestion Lynch Inc. | Choquette, Lyne | Avancie Inc. |
Hill+Knowlton Strategies | ROSCOE, ELIZABETH | CNOOC International Limited |
Hill+Knowlton Strategies | ROSCOE, ELIZABETH | Research in Motion Limited |
Low Murchison Radnoff LLP | Salvatore, Paul | Porsche Cars of North America, Inc. |
MARKETWORKS LTD | Hutchinson, Kelly | Printers Plus |
Pivot Strategic Consulting | FREEMAN, AARON | Canadian Boreal Initiative / Initiative Boreale Canadienne |
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | Fontaine, Dan | PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (U.S.) |
Self-Employed | van Loon, Gabriel | Canadian Association of Broadcasters / Association canadienne des radiodiffuseurs |
Self-Employed | Young, Alan | Canadian Boreal Initiative / Initiative Boreale Canadienne |
Self-Employed | Simpkins, William | Canadian Fuels Association / association canadienne des carburants |
Self-Employed | Véronneau, Robert L. | id-Mouse Inc |
Stonecliffe Consulting Group Inc. | Bourgeois, Robert | l'Association des universités de la francophonie canadienne |
StrategyCorp | Rust, Martin | Institute for Quantum Computing |
StrategyCorp Inc. | Rosenfeld, Robert | Institute for Quantum Computing |
STRATEGYCORP OTTAWA | SAMSON, LISA | Institute for Quantum Computing |
Technology Analytics | Filipiak, Ray | Quails' Gate Vineyard Estate Winery Ltd. |
Temple Scott Associates Inc. | Pearce, Emily | Merit Canada |
The Capital Hill Group Inc. | Harrington, Sonja | EADS Canada |
THE ROTHWELL GROUP INC. | RESNICK, MARK | Canadian Bus Association |