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The Lobby Monitor
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Who hired who: Updates to the lobbyist registry, Dec. 21 - Jan. 11

Published: Friday, 01/11/2013 12:04 pm EST

Consultant registrations - new (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that hired consultant lobbyists, and the issues they were hired to lobby on, listed by client.
Dec. 21, 2012 to Jan 11, 2013


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist Detail
Alberta Milk Self-Employed Van diemen, Martin Regulation under the Food and Drugs Act relating to the compositional standards in cheese
Alpine Helicopters Ensight Canada Stewart, Will License applications to the Canadian Transportation Authority.
Amalgamated Transit Union - Canada / Syndicat Uni du Transport Sussex Strategy Group Noble, Wendy Seeking amendments to the Criminal Code as it relates to increasing the punishment for assaulting public transportation workers. Seeking passage of a Private Members Bill (PMB) that would protect public transit operators similar to PMB Bill C-637, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (public transit operators) introduced in the last session of the 40th Parliament.
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) McDermott Will & Emery LLP Ryan, Stephen The American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) is one of five regional internet registries in the world and is a self-regulated body charged with managing the distribution of internet number resources for Canada, the United States and the Caribbean. ARIN provides services related to the technical coordination and management of internet addresses and facilitates the development of consensus-based policies initiated by the global internet community. ARIN seeks to educate public office holders about the organization and the importance of maintaining an accurate WHOIS database. This may lead to proposals for legislative change in the longer term but none foreseen at this time.
Arcadia Cognifistech Inc. Leblanc, Mathieu Support à la Recherche et Développement (R&D), aide à la planification et documentation de projet de recherche et développement dans le domaine de la sécurité informatique, et à la rencontre des exigences du programme d'aide à la recherche industrielle (PARI) du Conseil National de Recherche du Canada (CNRC).
Archean Energy Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Robert, Patrick Working on behalf of Archean Energy to inform government officials of the progress of contract with Government of Benin.
Association québécoise du transport aérien Hill + Knowlton Stratégies HEBERT, JOSIANE Représenations afin que les titulaires de charge publique adoptent une orientation visant à démontrer un appui public dans nos démarches effectuées pour faire annuler les frais d'aviation générale imposés par l'Aéroport de Québec et qui mettront en péril la compétitivité de l'industrie de l'aviation au Québec.
Avaya Canada Corp. StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber Avaya is a telecommunications provider and as such is engaged in the public policy discussion about how government communicates and delivers services more effectively and efficiently. Shared Services Canada shares this mandate and is the table at which this discussion will unfold going forward.
Canadian Association of Chemical Distributors / l'Association Canadienne des Distributeurs de Produits Chimiques Self Employed Saucier, Dave Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) as it applies to substances imported and used in Canada Chemical Weapons Convention, Explosive and Drug precusors in relation to negotiating memorandum of understanding with various departments to develop and deliver education programs for industry to assist with identifying and reporting suspicious transactions Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) as it relates to providing input on substances imported or used by industry in Canada Occupational Health and Safety - specifically the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and teh Global Harmonized System (GHS) in terms of providing input on the impact to small and medium size business Security of Critical Infrastructure as it relates to the chemical industry Surface and Intermodal Security Directorate of Transport Canada as it relates to providing input on chemical distribution activities Transport of Dangerous Goods Act in terms of providing input related to the Transportation of Dangerous Good Regulations and the Canadian Association of Chemical Distributor Responsible Distribution Code of Practice
Canadian Horticultural Council / Conseil canadien de l'horticulture Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CANADA - Advance Payments Program (APP), in respect to working to ensure horticultural producers receive cash advances without issue or delay. AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CANADA - AgriStability, AgriRecovery and AgriInvest, in respect to helping Canadian horticultural producers obtain funds for production loss, and business risk management programs. FINANCE CANADA - federal budget, in respect to ensuring horticultural programs are adequately funded. FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE CANADA - Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), to ensure free markets for goods and services in the Americas. INDUSTRY CANADA - Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act, in respect to ensuring free movement of horticultural products between all provinces and territories. Members of the House of Commons - Direct communication with MPs on CHC's activities and initiatives. Prime Minister's Office (PMO) - Direct communication with PMO on CHC's activities and initiatives.
Canadian Importers 9948 Fair Treatment Coalition Fasken Martineau Dumoulin Llp Johnson, Conrad Tariff classification policy: Tariff Item 9948.00.00
Canadian Importers 9948 Fair Treatment Coalition Fasken Martineau Dumoulin Llp Feldkamp, Claudia Tariff classification policy: Tariff Item 9948.00.00
Canadian Importers 9948 Fair Treatment Coalition Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP BROCK, DANIEL Tariff classification policy: Tariff Item 9948.00.00
Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. Self-Employed Hamilton, Lynne Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Broadcasting Act with respect to broadcasting over the Internet. These activities may lead to proposals for policy, regulatory and/or legislative changes. Policies or Program, Regulation, Interpretation and implementation of the 2006 Government of Canada Telecom Policy Direction to the CRTC under the Telecommunications Act as published in the Canada Gazette, Vol. 140, No. 26 (December 27, 2006) with specific attention on sections 1a, 1b, and 1c (inclusive) of this Direction. Regulation, Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Telecommunications Act with respect to the regulation of wholesale services provided by telephone and cable companies to Internet service providers and other telecommunications service providers.
Champion Petfoods Pokey Relations Kincade, David To help arrange an introductory meeting with the business's Member of Parliament to discuss the companys growing agricultural business.
Clermark Inc. Digital Defence Systems (D2S) Inc. Romeo, Paul Army Equipment Projects
Conceivable Dreams Counsel Public Affairs Inc. Lopinski, Bob Requesting and attending meetings between my client and public office holders to discuss their campaign for the funding of In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.
Copper Fox Metals Inc. PR Associates Simpson, Robert CEAA Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, S.C. 1992, c. 37 Transitional Comprehensive Study. PR Associates is assisting Copper Fox Metals Inc. in introducing the Schaft Creek Project to the Appropriate departments and staff in Ottawa and to discuss and issues that might slow down the environmental assessment
Copper Fox Metals Inc. PR Associates Amundsen, Craig Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, S.C. 1992, c. 37 - Transitional Comprehensive Study. PR Associates will assist Copper Fox Metals Inc. in introducing the Schaft Creek Project to the appropriate staff and departments in Ottawa and discuss any issues which may delay the Environmental Assessment process
Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia Self-Employed Crowe, Anne Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution Implementation of Special Safeguard Measures for supply managed products, dairy products in particular. Agreement on Internal Trade - Review Chapter 9. WTO (world trade organization) negotiations on Agriculture as it relates to supply management.
Dairy Farmers of PEI Self-Employed Wallace, Reginald Implementation of special Agricultural safeguards for supply manged products, dairy in particular; Agreement on Internal Trade - Review of Chapter 9; World Trade Organization on Agriculture as it related to supply management
EK3 Technologies StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber Changes to the delivery of EI programs that could include digital information systems and client interactive media. Obtain contributions from Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario for the development of technology that will improve the delivery of services to Canadians.
Facebook Crestview Ottawa Inc. Rogers, Chad Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution Bill C-28 Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act (FISA) as it pertains to the requirements of the anti spam legislation for social media and internet. Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, The Privacy Act and its rules and regulations concerning privacy of internet and social media users/consumers.
Facebook Crestview Public Affairs Bolek, Adam Regulation Bill C-28 Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act (FISA) as it pertains to the requirements of the anti spam legislation for social media and internet. Regulation, The Privacy Act and its rules and regulations concerning privacy of internet and social media users/consumers.
Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec Self-Employed Morin, Jean-FranÁois Article 8.3 de la Loi sur les licences dexportation et dimportation, afin quil ny ait plus de permis additionnel dimportation de produits laitiers accordé sans quun processus transparent de consultation auprès de tous les intervenants du secteur ait été d˚ment complété. Les négociations commerciales se rapportant à la participation du Canada au Partenariat transpacifique (PTP) concernant le commerce des produits agricoles et alimentaires, afin que soient exclus de la portée de ces négociations les systèmes de gestion de loffre et de mise en marché collective. Les négociations d'une entente à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) concernant le commerce des produits agricoles et alimentaires, afin de faire valoir des positions de négociation visant à protéger les systèmes de gestion de l'offre et de mise en marché collective et à faire reconnaître la spécificité des produits agricoles. Les négociations dune entente économique et commerciale entre le Canada et lUnion Européenne concernant le commerce des produits agricoles et alimentaires, afin que soient exclus de la portée de ces négociations les systèmes de gestion de loffre et de mise en marché collective. Modifications du Règlement sur les aliments et drogues concernant les normes de compositions et d'étiquetage des produits laitiers commercialisés au Canada, les ingrédients utilisés pour la fabrication des produit laitiers, l'utilisation des termes laitiers et l'appellation des produits laitiers. Modifications du Règlement sur les produits laitiers concernant les normes de compositions et d'étiquetage des produits laitiers commercialisés au Canada, les ingrédients utilisés pour la fabrication des produit laitiers, l'utilisation des termes laitiers et l'appellation des produits laitiers. Plan national de commercialisation du lait, afin que soit maintenue et préservé le Plan et le système de gestion de l'offre relatifs à la commercialisation du lait au Canada, et que les intérêts des producteurs de lait canadiens soient au coeur des mesures d'application du Plan. Renouvellements de l'Accord sur le commerce intérieur concernant la révision du chapitre sur les produits agricoles et les produits alimentaires, afin que soient exclus de la portée de l'accord les systèmes de gestion de l'offre et de mise en marché collective ainsi que les normes de composition et d'étiquetage des produits agricoles et alimentaires. Policies or Program, Représentations afin que le programme damélioration de labattage soit prolongé et que le programme de compensation financière des abattoirs soit renouvelé rétroactivement au 1er janvier 2011. Tarif des douanes et régime de contingents tarifaires, afin de sassurer que les activités de surveillance des importations fassent lobjet dune supervision serrée de la part des autorités responsables et que la classification tarifaire des produits laitiers soit appliqué correctement et de faÁon à ce que les mesures de protection du marché canadien ne soient pas contournées.
Fraser Surrey Docks LP NATIONAL Public Relations Baglole, Joel Asia-Pacific Gateway Corridor Initiative in relation to marine terminals
Grand Challenges Canada Global Health Systems Kennelly, Joanne Grand Challenges Canada Renewal of Development Innovation Fund to support the award of grants to innovators in low and middle income countries and Canada
Greater Toronto Airports Authority / Autorité aéroportuaire du Grand Toronto Self-Employed Kanwar, Vijay Aviation Security Policy with regard to Liquids, Aerosols and Gels Customs & Border policies, regarding passenger facilitation initiatives, such as Transfer Departure Facilities Duty Free Regulations, with regard to Arrivals Duty Free International Air Policy, regarding air service agreements and liberalization National Airports Policy with respect to airport development National Airports Policy, with regard to the Development Of A Regional System Of Airports In The Greater Toronto Payment in-lieu-of Taxes, regarding Airport Development Transportation policy, with respect to a Rapid Transit Link
Groupe Marineau Ltée Self-Employed Germain, Pierre Recherche de financement auprès de Développement Économique Canada pour des infrastructures touristiques
Healthcare Of Ontario Pension Plan StrategyCorp Rust, Martin An exemption in Bill C-377 (An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (Requirements for labour organizations)) to include Retirement Compensation Arrangements.
Ibm Global Business Services CFN CONSULTANTS Irwin, Steven Management Systems Software, Hardware & Business Solutions
Immune Biosolutions Groupe GfG Goulet, Ghyslain Aide au client pour l'obtention de son financement et/ou aides financières pour son projet d'entreprise.
Imperial Oil Limited Global Public Affairs Wilson, Evan Canadian Environmental Assessment Act - as it relates to the environmental review and assessment of new and existing oil and gas exploration projects Canadian Environmental Protection Act - as it relates to emission standards of oil and gas exploration and processing facilities Canadian Oil and Gas Operations Act - as it relates to rules regulating oil and gas exploration on Canada lands Canadian Petroleum Resources Act - as it relates to oil and gas exploration projects on Canada Lands Northern Development Policy - as it relates to incentives for exploration and Negotiation agreement for the Mackenzie Gas Development Project. Species at Risk Act - as it relates to a periodic review of the Act and its influence on new and existing oil and gas exploration sites
Institute for Quantum Computing StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber Seeking funding for research and development in quantum computing and its application at the IQC from Industry Canada, Public Safety Canada, Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Communications Security Establishment Canada. We are seeking continued cooperation with the ongoing symposiums on cyber security that would include participation, organization, and research input.
Integran Technologies Inc StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber Eligibility of Integran Technologies Inc. for funding under programs that may include the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative, The Defence Development Sharing Agreement and the Scientific Research and Experimental Development programs under Industry Canada, the Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program at Public Works and Government Services Canada, and with the Department of Defence for the purposes research and development by Integran.
Intellio Capital Humain inc. NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel Embauche d'un jeune développeur en Technologie de l'Information à financer en partie par le Programme Emploi Jeunesse (PEJ) administré par le CNRC-PARI (Conseil National de Recherches Canada, Programme d'Aide à la Recherche Industrielle).
Kongsberg Protech Systems Canada The Capital Hill Group Inc. Harrington, Sonja Government contract pursued with respect to the remote weapons stations for the light armoured vehicle procurement Government Contract Pursued Government contract pursued, with respect to arming the Canadian Coast Guards fleet
Kongsberg Protech Systems Canada The Capital Hill Group Inc. ANGUS, DAVID Government contract pursued with respect to the remote weapons stations for the light armoured vehicle procurement Government Contract Pursued Government contract pursued, with respect to arming the Canadian Coast Guards fleet
Language Industry Association Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Robert, Patrick Seeking continuation of current funding distributed through the "Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality" initiative via consultations.
Loblaw Companies Limited Hill+Knowlton Strategies GALIMBERTI, JOSEPH Initiatives related to environmental policies and programs under Environment Canada which may have an impact on the retail grocery industry. Initiatives related to sustainable seafood programs and practices under the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the impact Canadian fisheries and oceans. Introduction of or amendments to healthy foods and nutrition initiatives under Health Canada as it relates to the retail grocery industry. Participation in consultations and discussions around Growing Forward 2 and National Farm and Food Strategy programming within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Metrom Rail THE ROTHWELL GROUP INC. RESNICK, MARK Metrom Rail is seeking seeking a technical acceptance certificate from Industry Canada for the use of its Ultra Wide Band collision avoidance devices on Canadian railways. The certificate is required pursuant to subsections 4(2) of the Radiocommunication Act and 21(1) of the Radiocommunication Regulations.
Metrom Rail The Rothwell Group Inc. DUGUAY, LEO Metrom Rail is seeking a technical acceptance certificate from Industry Canada for the use of its Ultra Wide Band collission avoidance devices on Canadian railways. This certificate is required pursuant to subsections 4(2) of the Radio Communication Act and 21(1) of the Radio Communication Regulations.
Mississauga First Nation Connect Consulting Solutions Strauss, Dafna Policies or Program Seeking sources of funding and support for economic development and quality of life improvements on reserve.
Nestlé Canada Summa Strategies Powers, Timothy An Amendment to Health Canada regulation B.01.502 to expand the application of the word ìLean' beyond a pre-packaged meal for a weight reduction of weight maintenance diet. Arranging meetings for the client to provide information about their Canadian and international operations
Netsecure Technologies Ltd. DFH Public Affairs Calgary Limited McFadyen, Hugh Policies or Program Support (including possible financial support) for new financial transaction technology developed in Canada
Northrop Grumman International, Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Spilka O'Keefe, Meghan Providing advice and strategic assistance with regard to public and private business opportunities in the aerospace field generally, and the value of unmanned vehicles for maritime surveillance specifically.
Oceanic Iron Ore Corp. Mcmillan Llp Podgorny, Monica Oceanic Iron Ore Corp. seeks to develop low-cost iron ore mines in Nunavik, and in so doing wishes to align itself with the policy objectives of the Federal government with development of infrastructure supporting the surrounding community and meeting Canada's northern initiatives.
OMERS Administration Corporation The Capital Hill Group WOODS, NANCI seeking meetings to discuss proposed amendments to Bill C-377, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (requirements for labour organizations)
PCI Geomatics Sussex Strategy Group Noble, Wendy To obtain from federal government authorities information regarding a decision and clarify concerns that have been expressed regarding foreign investment.
Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada FASKEN MARTINEAU DUMOULIN HANLY, KATHLEEN S.M. Bill C-45, Budget Implementation Act II, with respect to proposed income tax measures on "foreign affiliate dumping".
Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada Fasken Martineau Dumoulin Llp Turner, John Bill C-45, Budget Implementation Act II, with respect to proposed income tax measures on "foreign affiliate dumping".
ReSound, Music Licensing Company Mccarthy Tétrault Llp Sookman, Barry Bill C-11, the Copyright Modernization Act as it deals with the rights of makers and performers to equitable remuneration.
Riverland Ag Corp StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber Application of regulations related to Transportation and International Trade with respect to the flow of goods across the Canada-US border. Seeking government funding from the Northern Ontario Development Program with respect to grain terminal redevelopment.
Sage Tea Sussex Strategy Group Noble, Wendy Intoduction of the Sage Tea software company to federal government departments to educate officials on a new concept for cost reduction in information technology.
Saskatchewan Association Of Rural Municipalities (Sarm) Hill+Knowlton Strategies GALIMBERTI, JOSEPH Monitor Government of Canada's progress on Growing Forward framework for business risk management Monitor ongoing development and modification of CFIA's Animal welfare / Humane transportation policies and programs Monitor rollout of the Building Canada Fund for infrastructure Monitoring changes to Pest Management Regulatory Agency programs related to crop pests
Small Guys Tobacco Group / Le regroupement des petites entreprises de tabac Sussex Strategy Group Noble, Wendy Amend the definition for a little cigar contained in Bill C-32, An Act to amend the Tobacco Act, which became law in the second session of the 40th Parliament. Regulation, Excise Stamping Regime for Tobacco Products as it relates to Security Features and placement on cigar packaging Proposed New Health Warning Labels under the Tobacco Information Regulations as they relate to cigars and cigar packaging Proposed Regulation regarding display and promotion under the Tobacco Act
Sofina Foods Inc. / Aliments Sofina Inc. Stikeman, Elliott Hunter, Q.C., Lawson A.W. Administration of the Export and Import Permits Act with respect to allocation of Tariff rate quotas for chicken or chicken products.
Soil Synergy Inc. CANADIAN CORPORATE CONSULTANTS LTD. (CANCORP) FOWLER, MICHAEL R&D on an environmentally friendly fertilizer product
Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. PR Associates Amundsen, Craig Policies or Program Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, S.C. 1992, c. 37 (CEAA), Transitional Comprehensive Study. PR Associates is assisting Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd in meeting with the MPMO, as well as CEAA, NRCan, AAND, EC, DFO, HC, TC officials to introduce their project and discuss next steps in the Environmental Assessment and any areas that may cause delay.
Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. PR Associates Simpson, Robert Regulation Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, S.C. 1992, c. 37 (CEAA), Transitional Comprehensive Study. PR Associates is assisting Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd in meeting with the MPMO, as well as CEAA, NRCan, AAND, EC, DFO, HC, TC officials to introduce their project and discuss next steps in the Environmental Assessment and any areas that may cause delay. Policies or Program, Fisheries - Species at Risk Act (SARA) Schedule 2 listing. PR Associates is assisting Spanish Mountain Gold in talking with DFO officials about the potential of a Schedule 2 listing.
The Galen and Hilary Weston Foundation PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP HARRIS, BRUCE The application of subsections 188.1(3.3) to (3.5) of the Income Tax Act with respect to excess corporate holdings of private foundations
The Galen and Hilary Weston Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Ross, Angela Income Tax Act respecting subsections 188.1(3.3) and (3.5) about the anti-avoidance rules respecting beneficiaries of trusts for the excess corporate holdings regime for private foundations.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada / Conservation de la Nature Canada StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber Canada's Offset System for Greenhouse Gases Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 concerning greenhouse gas emissions National parks and ecological integrity - leveraged funding to secure lands critical to the ecological integrity of National Parks. Natural Areas Conservation Program - delivery of current program and potential future expansion/continuation.
The Schizophrenia Society of Canada HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Cerovic, Angela The Department is Justice Canada announced its plan to introduce changes to ìNot Criminally Responsible' provisions for mentally ill offenders as written in the Criminal Code of Canada, along with its relevant policies. We seek to ensure any changes protect the interest of Canadians with mental illnesses and their families by ensuring the rights tools are provided and no components that will lead to unintended consequences are included in the Bill.
Ultra Electronics TCS Inc. Cabinet De Relations Publiques National Veillette, David Démarches afin que La Stratégie de défense "Le Canada dabord" prenne en considérations les technologies développées par les produits canadiens de Ultra Electronics
Unitronic Chipped / 9139-0575 Québec Inc. (Unitronic) Gestion Lynch Inc. Choquette, Lyne Développement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec - Programme de financement sans intérêts pour commercialisation hors Canada et équipement Programme d'aide à la recherche industrielle (PARI-CNRC) - Programme emploi jeunesse pour subvention reliée à l'embauche d'un jeune diplômé Programme d'aide à la recherche industrielle - Activités de recherche et développement technologique (CNRC-PARI) pour subventions reliées à la RSDE
UPS Canada Sussex Strategy Group Noble, Wendy Policies or Program Postal Reforms; Canada Post services; transborder parcel delivery Transportation and Public Safety, Canada-US border issues (Beyond the Border Initiative), border security, movement of goods between the two countries
Vital Alert Summa Strategies cousineau, karine Defence communications procurement opportunities and interest by the federal government
William H. COmrie Felesky Flynn LLP Anderson, Brett The Income Tax Act, with respect to section 128.1 and the taxation of former Canadian residents


Consultant registrations - new (by lobby firm)
A list of lobby firms with new clients.
Dec. 21, 2012 to Jan 11, 2013


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
Cabinet De Relations Publiques National Veillette, David Ultra Electronics TCS Inc.
CFN CONSULTANTS Irwin, Steven Colt Canada Corp.
CFN CONSULTANTS Irwin, Steven General Dynamics Ordnance & Tactical Systems Canada Inc.
CFN CONSULTANTS Irwin, Steven Ibm Global Business Services
Cognifistech Inc. Leblanc, Mathieu Arcadia
Connect Consulting Solutions Strauss, Dafna Mississauga First Nation
Counsel Public Affairs Inc. Lopinski, Bob Conceivable Dreams
Crestview Ottawa Inc. Rogers, Chad Facebook
Crestview Public Affairs Bolek, Adam Facebook
DFH Public Affairs Calgary Limited McFadyen, Hugh Netsecure Technologies Ltd.
Digital Defence Systems (D2S) Inc. Romeo, Paul Clermark Inc.
Ensight Canada Stewart, Will Alpine Helicopters
Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline Canadian Horticultural Council / Conseil canadien de l'horticulture
FASKEN MARTINEAU DUMOULIN HANLY, KATHLEEN S.M. Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada
Fasken Martineau Dumoulin Llp Johnson, Conrad Canadian Importers 9948 Fair Treatment Coalition
Fasken Martineau Dumoulin Llp Feldkamp, Claudia Canadian Importers 9948 Fair Treatment Coalition
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP BROCK, DANIEL Canadian Importers 9948 Fair Treatment Coalition
Fasken Martineau Dumoulin Llp Turner, John Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada
Felesky Flynn LLP Anderson, Brett William H. COmrie
Gestion Lynch Inc. Choquette, Lyne Unitronic Chipped / 9139-0575 Québec Inc. (Unitronic)
Global Health Systems Kennelly, Joanne Grand Challenges Canada
Global Public Affairs Wilson, Evan Imperial Oil Limited
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Robert, Patrick Archean Energy
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Robert, Patrick Language Industry Association
Groupe GfG Goulet, Ghyslain Immune Biosolutions
Hill + Knowlton Stratégies HEBERT, JOSIANE Association québécoise du transport aérien
Hill+Knowlton Strategies GALIMBERTI, JOSEPH Loblaw Companies Limited
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Spilka O'Keefe, Meghan Northrop Grumman International, Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies GALIMBERTI, JOSEPH Saskatchewan Association Of Rural Municipalities (Sarm)
HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Cerovic, Angela The Schizophrenia Society of Canada
Mccarthy Tétrault Llp Sookman, Barry ReSound, Music Licensing Company
McDermott Will & Emery LLP Ryan, Stephen American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
Mcmillan Llp Podgorny, Monica Oceanic Iron Ore Corp.
NATIONAL Public Relations Baglole, Joel Fraser Surrey Docks LP
NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel Intellio Capital Humain inc.
Pokey Relations Kincade, David Champion Petfoods
PR Associates Simpson, Robert Copper Fox Metals Inc.
PR Associates Amundsen, Craig Copper Fox Metals Inc.
PR Associates Amundsen, Craig Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd.
PR Associates Simpson, Robert Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Ross, Angela The Galen and Hilary Weston Foundation
Self Employed Saucier, Dave Canadian Association of Chemical Distributors / l'Association Canadienne des Distributeurs de Produits Chimiques
Self-Employed Van diemen, Martin Alberta Milk
Self-Employed Hamilton, Lynne Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Self-Employed Crowe, Anne Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia
Self-Employed Wallace, Reginald Dairy Farmers of PEI
Self-Employed Morin, Jean-FranÁois Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec
Self-Employed Kanwar, Vijay Greater Toronto Airports Authority / Autorité aéroportuaire du Grand Toronto
Self-Employed Germain, Pierre Groupe Marineau Ltée
Stikeman, Elliott Hunter, Q.C., Lawson A.W. Sofina Foods Inc. / Aliments Sofina Inc.
StrategyCorp Rust, Martin Healthcare Of Ontario Pension Plan
StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber Avaya Canada Corp.
StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber EK3 Technologies
StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber Institute for Quantum Computing
StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber Integran Technologies Inc
StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber Riverland Ag Corp
StrategyCorp Inc. Crawford, Amber The Nature Conservancy of Canada / Conservation de la Nature Canada
Summa Strategies Powers, Timothy Nestlé Canada
Summa Strategies cousineau, karine Vital Alert
Sussex Strategy Group Noble, Wendy Amalgamated Transit Union - Canada / Syndicat Uni du Transport
Sussex Strategy Group Noble, Wendy PCI Geomatics
Sussex Strategy Group Noble, Wendy Sage Tea
Sussex Strategy Group Noble, Wendy Small Guys Tobacco Group / Le regroupement des petites entreprises de tabac
Sussex Strategy Group Noble, Wendy UPS Canada
The Capital Hill Group WOODS, NANCI OMERS Administration Corporation
The Capital Hill Group Inc. Harrington, Sonja Kongsberg Protech Systems Canada
The Capital Hill Group Inc. ANGUS, DAVID Kongsberg Protech Systems Canada
The Rothwell Group Inc. DUGUAY, LEO Metrom Rail


Consultant registrations - renewals (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by client.
Dec. 21, 2012 to Jan 11, 2013


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist
175413 Canada Inc. / M0851 inc. NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel
3m Canada Company HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Clarke, Ryan
AGF Management Limited Torys LLP Pereira, Grace
Aimia Self-Employed Lamoureux, Eric
Air Canada Pilots Association MC Summa Strategies Canada Inc. Harrison, Katlyn
Alberta Milk Self-Employed BOS, HENNIE
AltaGas Ltd. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP KNUTSON, GAR
AltaGas Ltd. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP MacDonald, Colin
Apotex Goodmans LLP Radomski, Harry
Aviation Working Group Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Gray, Donald
Avnet Technology Solutions MARKETWORKS LTD Hutchinson, Kelly
B.c. Lumber Trade Council Hill+Knowlton Strategies Clarke, Ryan
Barakatt Harvey avocats Self-Employed Bissou, Patrice
Bioniche Life Sciences Inc BIOptima Consulting Life Sciences inc. Guilbault, Louis
blutip Power Technologies Ltd. (formerly Hy-Drive Technologies Ltd.) Sundeep Khosla & Associates (1991) Ltd. Khosla, Sundeep
Calian Technologies Hill+Knowlton Strategies Chamberlain, Sharon
Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs / L'Association Canadienne des Chefs de Pompiers Summa Strategies Canada Inc. Harrison, Katlyn
Canadian Association Of Petroleum Producers GLOBAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS Anderson, Kristin
Canadian Association of Regulated Importers (CARI) DeValk Consulting Inc. DEVALK, ROBERT
Canadian Boreal Initiative / Initiative Boreale Canadienne Pivot Strategic Consulting FREEMAN, AARON
Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc (through Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP) Self-Employed LaBossiere Parr, Danielle
Canadian Cattlemen's Association Self-Employed Toews, Travis
Canadian Ferry Operators Association / Association canadienne des opérateurs de traversiers Flagship Solutions Buy, Serge Alexandre
Canadian Fertilizer Institute / Institut Canadien des Engrais Self-Employed MacKay, Ian
Canadian Gas Association / Association canadienne du gaz BRENDAN HAWLEY & ASSOCIATES HAWLEY, BRENDAN
Canadian Importers 9948 Fair Treatment Coalition Fasken Martineau Dumoulin Llp Mcgurran, Sean
Canadian National Railway Summa Strategies Canada Incorporated Armour, Jim
Canadian Real Estate Association Self-Employed Aunger, Pauline
Canadian Real Estate Association The Canadian Real Estate Association / L'Association Canadienne De L'Immeuble Leyser, Laura
Canadian Steel Producers Association / L'Association canadienne des producteurs d'acier Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline
Canadian Team Sports Coalition Summa Strategies Canada MacLachlan, Robin
Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency Self-Employed Davies, Mark
Cascades Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne
Center for Science in the Public Interest Self-Employed JEFFERY, BILL
CGI Canada Hill+Knowlton Strategies Chamberlain, Sharon
Charcuterie La Fernandière inc. Self-Employed Germain, Pierre
Chevron Canada Resources Global Public Affairs Raad Gil, Aysha
Chicken Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs de poulet du Canada Self-Employed Thiessen, Rick
Chicken Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs de poulet du Canada Self-Employed Dufresne, Martin
Chicken Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs de poulet du Canada Self-Employed Girard, Carole
Chicken Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs de poulet du Canada Self-Employed Janzen, David
Cisco Systems Canada Summa Strategies Canada Incorporated Armour, Jim
Cité des biotechnologies agroalimentaires, vétérinaires et agroenvironnenmentales inc. Self-Employed Cyr, Ronald
Citizens for Safe Technology Self-Employed LaBossiere Parr, Danielle
Collège Boréal StrategyCorp Inc. Rosenfeld, Robert
COM DEV International Policy Insights Inc. MACKAY, KEN
Credit Union Central of Canada Self-Employed Jackson, Sean
Cubic Defense Applications, Inc Michael M Johnson & Associates Inc JOHNSON, MICHAEL
Cydney Mar inc. NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel
Dairy Farmers Of Canada Self-Employed Versteeg, Ron
Dairy farmers of Canada / les producteurs laitiers du Canada Self-Employed dykstra, Reint Jan
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Leyenhorst, Martin
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Gorter, Hans
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Holtmann, Henry
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Gilson, Scott
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Mangin, Raymond
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Knockaert, Lawrence
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Heapy, Richard
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Wiens, David
Dairy Farmers of Ontario Self-Employed Vis, Paul
Dairy Farmers of Ontario Self-Employed Sherk, Murray
Dairy Farmers of Ontario Self-Employed Atkinson, Sid
Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward Island Self-Employed MacNevin, Harold
Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward Island Self-Employed Weeks, Jeff
DEW Engineering and Development ULC Hill+Knowlton Strategies Fletcher, Bruce
DSI Safety Inc. / Sécurité DSI Inc. Gestion Lynch Inc. Choquette, Lyne
Egg Farmers of Canada / les Producteurs doeufs du Canada The Capital Hill Group WOODS, NANCI
Egg Farmers of Canada / les Producteurs doeufs du Canada The Capital Hill Group Inc. GERVAIS, PHILIPPE
Egg Farmers of Canada / les Producteurs doeufs du Canada The Capital Hill Group Inc. METCALFE, HERB
Eli Lilly Canada Inc. Earnscliffe Strategy Group BERNIER, DANIEL
Eli Lilly Canada Inc. Earnscliffe Strategy Group ALBINATI, ANDRE
Energy Policy Institute of Canada Cohn & Wolfe West Clausen, Larry
EnergySolutions Canada Corporation STRATEGYCORP OTTAWA SAMSON, LISA
EnergySolutions Canada Corporation Strategycorp Ottawa Noble, Leslie
ENMAX Corporation Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John
Ensyn Technologies Inc. Goodfellow Agricola Consultants Inc. Goodfellow, Randal
Environmental Health Industry Coordinating Group Self-Employed KHOSLA, AMARDEEP
Envoy Relocation Services Inc. The Rothwell Group Inc. Odenwald, Barbara
Etiah H. Entreprises NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel
exactEarth Ltd. Earnscliffe Strategy Group MACKAY, KEN
Festival International de Jazz de Montréal L'Équipe Spectra Simard, Alain
Fleet Canada Inc Sterlingbridge maves, bart
Fonds d'investissement en transformation alimentaire(FITA) Gesplani Rll Inc. Le Lay, Richard Y
Food and Consumer Products of Canada / Produits alimentaires et de consommation du Canada Summa Strategies Canada MacLachlan, Robin
Fort Albany First Nation Kirkland Capital Corporation Kirkland, Ellis
Franklin Templeton Investments Corp. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP / Borden Ladner Gervais s.r.l. WHITE, LAURA
Further Poultry Processors Association of Canada DeValk Consulting Inc. DEVALK, ROBERT
General Dynamics C4 Systems Michael M Johnson & Associates Inc JOHNSON, MICHAEL
HP Enterprise Services HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Chamberlain, Sharon
Integran Technologies Inc StrategyCorp Rust, Martin
Interac Association / Association Interac Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline
Jazz Air Income Fund HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Clarke, Ryan
Johnson & Johnson Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline
Johnson & Johnson Ensight Canada Stewart, Will
Kashechewan First Nation Kirkland Capital Corporation Kirkland, Ellis
Kellogg Canada Inc. 3Sixty Public Affairs Inc. JOHNSTON, BLAKE
Les Constructions et Pavage Jeskar Inc. Gesplani Rll Inc. Le Lay, Richard Y
Les FrancoFolies de Montréal L'Équipe Spectra Simard, Alain
Les FrancoFolies de Montréal L'Équipe Spectra Rico, Roseline
Livingston International Inc. Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John
Lori Michaels NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) The Capital Hill Group Chopra, Ajay
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) The Capital Hill Group Inc. METCALFE, HERB
Manyeta Informatique inc. NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel
Marine Trail Holdings No. 3 Ltd. McMillan LLP Montenegrino, Emanuel
MDS Inc Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John
Microsoft Canada Earnscliffe Strategy Group ROBINSON, MICHAEL
Microsoft Canada Earnscliffe Strategy Group Norquay, Geoff
Microsoft Canada Earnscliffe Strategy Group Floyd, Marlene
Mining Association of Canada / l'association miniere du canada Couzin Taylor LLP Nikolakakis, Angelo
Mlse Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John
Mobi724 Solutions / Solutions Mobi724 NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel
Mobi724 Solutions / Solutions Mobi724 NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel
Montreal International Jazz Festival / Festival International de jazz de Montréal L'Équipe Spectra Rico, Roseline
Mounted Police Members' Legal Fund / Fonds de recours juridique des membres de la gendarmerie Summa Strategies Canada Incorporated Armour, Jim
MTS Allstream (through Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP) Self-Employed LaBossiere Parr, Danielle
Nalcor Energy Summa Strategies Powers, Timothy
National Association of Career Colleges / Association nationale des collèges de carrière Flagship Solutions Buy, Serge Alexandre
National Marine Manufacturers Association Global Public Affairs Connors, Marina
National Relocation Services Inc. The Rothwell Group Inc. Odenwald, Barbara
Necando Solutions / Solutions Necando NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel
Nestle Canada Brendain Incorporated Hayward, F.R. (Rick)
Nestlé Canada Inc Summa Strategies Canada MacLachlan, Robin
NGRAIN Canada Corporation Earnscliffe Strategy Group MACKAY, KEN
North Dufferin Agricultural and Community Taskforce Inc. Iler Campbell LLP Bowman, Laura
Nortrax Canada Inc. GCI Group Pratt, David
Oceanic Iron Ore Corp. Mcmillan Llp Montenegrino, Emanuel
Oceanic Iron Ore Corp. McMillan LLP Montenegrino, Emanuel
Ontario Federation of Agriculture Self-Employed Crews, Bette Jean
Open Access Limited Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John
Oracle Canada HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Chamberlain, Sharon
PearTree Financial Services Ltd. Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John
PepsiCo Canada ULC Fleishman-Hillard Inc. Laidlaw, Barbara
Pepsico Foods Canada 3Sixty Public Affairs Inc. JOHNSTON, BLAKE
PotashCorp Strategycorp Rust, Martin
Power Workers' Union Campbell Strategies Inc. Brown, Paul
Précision JLM inc. NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel
Prestige Nursing Service Inc A.C.E. Consulting Ali, Fareid Ken
Printers Plus MARKETWORKS LTD Hutchinson, Kelly
PrintersPlus MarketWorks Ltd Hollingsworth, Catherine
Public Service Alliance of Canada - BC / l'Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada -Colombie-Britannique (C.-B.) West Star Communications Corporation Tieleman, Bill
Reckitt Benckiser Environics Communications Inc. Maceachern, Greg
Retail Council of Canada / Conseil canadien du commerce de detail Temple Scott Associates Inc. Cross, Clarke
Ridley Terminals Users Group Global Public Affairs YOUNG, GENEVIEVE
Ridley Terminals Users Group Global Public Affairs Toner, Patricia
Ridley Terminals Users Group Global Public Affairs Cartwright, Philip
Ridley Terminals Users Group Global Public Affairs Connors, Marina
Royal Conservatory of Music Ensight Canada Stewart, Will
Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Self-Employed Malanowich, Harvey
Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Self-Employed Taylor, Don
Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Self-Employed Orb, Ray
Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology Integrated development Enterprise Associates Amery, Hussein
Seaspan Ulc CFN Consultants Butts, George
Sheritt International Corporation Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd. Prospectus Associates Pristanski, William
Sorenson Communications, Inc. Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP KANE, GREG
Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. PR Associates Simpson, Robert
Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc. Freeman Mandel & Milne MILNE, CHARLES
Talisman Energy Inc HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Clarke, Ryan
The Financial Advisors Association of Canada / L'Association des Conseillers En Finance Du Canada Ensight Canada Mackenzie, Michelle
The Mood Disorders Society of Canada Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline
The World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT 2012) / Congrès mondial sur les technologies de l'information (WCIT 2012) Hill + Knowlton Stratégies HEBERT, JOSIANE
Tradesport International Ltd Protocol Plus Inc RASALINGAM, RAJ
Transport Nanuk Inc. Public Interests Research and Communications Inc. SCHILLER, FRANCIS
Ultramar Ltd. / Ultramar Ltee. Tactix Government Relations and Public Affairs / Tactix Colbert, Brent
University of Toronto Stonecliffe Consulting Group Inc. Bourgeois, Robert
VideoLAtitude Inc. Gestion Lynch Inc. Choquette, Lyne
Visa Canada Corporation / Corporation Visa Canada Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John
Weight Watchers Canada Ltd. Gci Canada Collins, Gary


Consultant registrations - renewals (by lobby firm)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by lobby firm.
Dec. 21, 2012 to Jan 11, 2013


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
3Sixty Public Affairs Inc. JOHNSTON, BLAKE Kellogg Canada Inc.
3Sixty Public Affairs Inc. JOHNSTON, BLAKE Pepsico Foods Canada
A.C.E. Consulting Ali, Fareid Ken Prestige Nursing Service Inc
BIOptima Consulting Life Sciences inc. Guilbault, Louis Bioniche Life Sciences Inc
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Gray, Donald Aviation Working Group
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP KNUTSON, GAR AltaGas Ltd.
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP MacDonald, Colin AltaGas Ltd.
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP / Borden Ladner Gervais s.r.l. WHITE, LAURA Franklin Templeton Investments Corp.
Brendain Incorporated Hayward, F.R. (Rick) Nestle Canada
BRENDAN HAWLEY & ASSOCIATES HAWLEY, BRENDAN Canadian Gas Association / Association canadienne du gaz
Campbell Strategies Inc. Brown, Paul Power Workers' Union
CFN Consultants Butts, George Seaspan Ulc
Cohn & Wolfe West Clausen, Larry Energy Policy Institute of Canada
Couzin Taylor LLP Nikolakakis, Angelo Mining Association of Canada / l'association miniere du canada
DeValk Consulting Inc. DEVALK, ROBERT Canadian Association of Regulated Importers (CARI)
DeValk Consulting Inc. DEVALK, ROBERT Further Poultry Processors Association of Canada
Earnscliffe Strategy Group BERNIER, DANIEL Eli Lilly Canada Inc.
Earnscliffe Strategy Group ALBINATI, ANDRE Eli Lilly Canada Inc.
Earnscliffe Strategy Group MACKAY, KEN exactEarth Ltd.
Earnscliffe Strategy Group ROBINSON, MICHAEL Microsoft Canada
Earnscliffe Strategy Group Norquay, Geoff Microsoft Canada
Earnscliffe Strategy Group Floyd, Marlene Microsoft Canada
Earnscliffe Strategy Group MACKAY, KEN NGRAIN Canada Corporation
Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline Canadian Steel Producers Association / L'Association canadienne des producteurs d'acier
Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline Interac Association / Association Interac
Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline Johnson & Johnson
Ensight Canada Stewart, Will Johnson & Johnson
Ensight Canada Stewart, Will Royal Conservatory of Music
Ensight Canada Mackenzie, Michelle The Financial Advisors Association of Canada / L'Association des Conseillers En Finance Du Canada
Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline The Mood Disorders Society of Canada
Environics Communications Inc. Maceachern, Greg Reckitt Benckiser
Fasken Martineau Dumoulin Llp Mcgurran, Sean Canadian Importers 9948 Fair Treatment Coalition
Flagship Solutions Buy, Serge Alexandre Canadian Ferry Operators Association / Association canadienne des opérateurs de traversiers
Flagship Solutions Buy, Serge Alexandre National Association of Career Colleges / Association nationale des collèges de carrière
Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John ENMAX Corporation
Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John Livingston International Inc.
Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John MDS Inc
Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John Mlse
Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John Open Access Limited
Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John PearTree Financial Services Ltd.
Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John Sheritt International Corporation
Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc. Capobianco, John Visa Canada Corporation / Corporation Visa Canada
Fleishman-Hillard Inc. Laidlaw, Barbara PepsiCo Canada ULC
Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP KANE, GREG Sorenson Communications, Inc.
Freeman Mandel & Milne MILNE, CHARLES Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc.
Gci Canada Collins, Gary Weight Watchers Canada Ltd.
GCI Group Pratt, David Nortrax Canada Inc.
Gesplani Rll Inc. Le Lay, Richard Y Fonds d'investissement en transformation alimentaire(FITA)
Gesplani Rll Inc. Le Lay, Richard Y Les Constructions et Pavage Jeskar Inc.
Gestion Lynch Inc. Choquette, Lyne DSI Safety Inc. / Sécurité DSI Inc.
Gestion Lynch Inc. Choquette, Lyne VideoLAtitude Inc.
GLOBAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS Anderson, Kristin Canadian Association Of Petroleum Producers
Global Public Affairs Raad Gil, Aysha Chevron Canada Resources
Global Public Affairs Connors, Marina National Marine Manufacturers Association
Global Public Affairs YOUNG, GENEVIEVE Ridley Terminals Users Group
Global Public Affairs Toner, Patricia Ridley Terminals Users Group
Global Public Affairs Cartwright, Philip Ridley Terminals Users Group
Global Public Affairs Connors, Marina Ridley Terminals Users Group
Goodfellow Agricola Consultants Inc. Goodfellow, Randal Ensyn Technologies Inc.
Goodmans LLP Radomski, Harry Apotex
HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Clarke, Ryan 3m Canada Company
HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Chamberlain, Sharon HP Enterprise Services
HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Clarke, Ryan Jazz Air Income Fund
HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Chamberlain, Sharon Oracle Canada
HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Clarke, Ryan Talisman Energy Inc
Hill + Knowlton Stratégies HEBERT, JOSIANE The World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT 2012) / Congrès mondial sur les technologies de l'information (WCIT 2012)
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Clarke, Ryan B.c. Lumber Trade Council
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Chamberlain, Sharon Calian Technologies
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Dobson, Joanne Cascades Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Chamberlain, Sharon CGI Canada
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Fletcher, Bruce DEW Engineering and Development ULC
Iler Campbell LLP Bowman, Laura North Dufferin Agricultural and Community Taskforce Inc.
Integrated development Enterprise Associates Amery, Hussein Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology
Kirkland Capital Corporation Kirkland, Ellis Fort Albany First Nation
Kirkland Capital Corporation Kirkland, Ellis Kashechewan First Nation
L'Équipe Spectra Simard, Alain Festival International de Jazz de Montréal
L'Équipe Spectra Simard, Alain Les FrancoFolies de Montréal
L'Équipe Spectra Rico, Roseline Les FrancoFolies de Montréal
L'Équipe Spectra Rico, Roseline Montreal International Jazz Festival / Festival International de jazz de Montréal
MARKETWORKS LTD Hutchinson, Kelly Avnet Technology Solutions
MARKETWORKS LTD Hutchinson, Kelly Printers Plus
MarketWorks Ltd Hollingsworth, Catherine PrintersPlus
McMillan LLP Montenegrino, Emanuel Marine Trail Holdings No. 3 Ltd.
Mcmillan Llp Montenegrino, Emanuel Oceanic Iron Ore Corp.
McMillan LLP Montenegrino, Emanuel Oceanic Iron Ore Corp.
Michael M Johnson & Associates Inc JOHNSON, MICHAEL Cubic Defense Applications, Inc
Michael M Johnson & Associates Inc JOHNSON, MICHAEL General Dynamics C4 Systems
NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel 175413 Canada Inc. / M0851 inc.
NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel Cydney Mar inc.
NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel Etiah H. Entreprises
NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel Lori Michaels
NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel Manyeta Informatique inc.
NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel Mobi724 Solutions / Solutions Mobi724
NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel Mobi724 Solutions / Solutions Mobi724
NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel Necando Solutions / Solutions Necando
NexPlan Expert inc. Ethier, Michel Précision JLM inc.
Pivot Strategic Consulting FREEMAN, AARON Canadian Boreal Initiative / Initiative Boreale Canadienne
Policy Insights Inc. MACKAY, KEN COM DEV International
PR Associates Simpson, Robert Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd.
Prospectus Associates Pristanski, William Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd.
Protocol Plus Inc RASALINGAM, RAJ Tradesport International Ltd
Public Interests Research and Communications Inc. SCHILLER, FRANCIS Transport Nanuk Inc.
Self-Employed Lamoureux, Eric Aimia
Self-Employed BOS, HENNIE Alberta Milk
Self-Employed Bissou, Patrice Barakatt Harvey avocats
Self-Employed LaBossiere Parr, Danielle Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc (through Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP)
Self-Employed Toews, Travis Canadian Cattlemen's Association
Self-Employed MacKay, Ian Canadian Fertilizer Institute / Institut Canadien des Engrais
Self-Employed Aunger, Pauline Canadian Real Estate Association
Self-Employed Davies, Mark Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency
Self-Employed JEFFERY, BILL Center for Science in the Public Interest
Self-Employed Germain, Pierre Charcuterie La Fernandière inc.
Self-Employed Thiessen, Rick Chicken Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs de poulet du Canada
Self-Employed Dufresne, Martin Chicken Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs de poulet du Canada
Self-Employed Girard, Carole Chicken Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs de poulet du Canada
Self-Employed Janzen, David Chicken Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs de poulet du Canada
Self-Employed Cyr, Ronald Cité des biotechnologies agroalimentaires, vétérinaires et agroenvironnenmentales inc.
Self-Employed LaBossiere Parr, Danielle Citizens for Safe Technology
Self-Employed Jackson, Sean Credit Union Central of Canada
Self-Employed Versteeg, Ron Dairy Farmers Of Canada
Self-Employed dykstra, Reint Jan Dairy farmers of Canada / les producteurs laitiers du Canada
Self-Employed Leyenhorst, Martin Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Gorter, Hans Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Holtmann, Henry Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Gilson, Scott Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Mangin, Raymond Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Knockaert, Lawrence Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Heapy, Richard Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Wiens, David Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Vis, Paul Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Self-Employed Sherk, Murray Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Self-Employed Atkinson, Sid Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Self-Employed MacNevin, Harold Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward Island
Self-Employed Weeks, Jeff Dairy Farmers of Prince Edward Island
Self-Employed KHOSLA, AMARDEEP Environmental Health Industry Coordinating Group
Self-Employed LaBossiere Parr, Danielle MTS Allstream (through Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP)
Self-Employed Crews, Bette Jean Ontario Federation of Agriculture
Self-Employed Malanowich, Harvey Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities
Self-Employed Taylor, Don Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities
Self-Employed Orb, Ray Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities
Sterlingbridge maves, bart Fleet Canada Inc
Stonecliffe Consulting Group Inc. Bourgeois, Robert University of Toronto
StrategyCorp Rust, Martin Integran Technologies Inc
Strategycorp Rust, Martin PotashCorp
StrategyCorp Inc. Rosenfeld, Robert Collège Boréal
STRATEGYCORP OTTAWA SAMSON, LISA EnergySolutions Canada Corporation
Strategycorp Ottawa Noble, Leslie EnergySolutions Canada Corporation
Summa Strategies Powers, Timothy Nalcor Energy
Summa Strategies Canada MacLachlan, Robin Canadian Team Sports Coalition
Summa Strategies Canada MacLachlan, Robin Food and Consumer Products of Canada / Produits alimentaires et de consommation du Canada
Summa Strategies Canada MacLachlan, Robin Nestlé Canada Inc
Summa Strategies Canada Inc. Harrison, Katlyn Air Canada Pilots Association MC
Summa Strategies Canada Inc. Harrison, Katlyn Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs / L'Association Canadienne des Chefs de Pompiers
Summa Strategies Canada Incorporated Armour, Jim Canadian National Railway
Summa Strategies Canada Incorporated Armour, Jim Cisco Systems Canada
Summa Strategies Canada Incorporated Armour, Jim Mounted Police Members' Legal Fund / Fonds de recours juridique des membres de la gendarmerie
Sundeep Khosla & Associates (1991) Ltd. Khosla, Sundeep blutip Power Technologies Ltd. (formerly Hy-Drive Technologies Ltd.)
Tactix Government Relations and Public Affairs / Tactix Colbert, Brent Ultramar Ltd. / Ultramar Ltee.
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Cross, Clarke Retail Council of Canada / Conseil canadien du commerce de detail
The Canadian Real Estate Association / L'Association Canadienne De L'Immeuble Leyser, Laura Canadian Real Estate Association
The Capital Hill Group WOODS, NANCI Egg Farmers of Canada / les Producteurs doeufs du Canada
The Capital Hill Group Chopra, Ajay Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO)
The Capital Hill Group Inc. GERVAIS, PHILIPPE Egg Farmers of Canada / les Producteurs doeufs du Canada
The Capital Hill Group Inc. METCALFE, HERB Egg Farmers of Canada / les Producteurs doeufs du Canada
The Capital Hill Group Inc. METCALFE, HERB Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO)
The Rothwell Group Inc. Odenwald, Barbara Envoy Relocation Services Inc.
The Rothwell Group Inc. Odenwald, Barbara National Relocation Services Inc.
Torys LLP Pereira, Grace AGF Management Limited
West Star Communications Corporation Tieleman, Bill Public Service Alliance of Canada - BC / l'Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada -Colombie-Britannique (C.-B.)



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