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Consultant registrations - new (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that hired consultant lobbyists, and the issues they were hired to lobby on, listed by client.
Jan 12, 2013 to Jan 25, 2013
Client | Lobby Firm | Lobbyist | Detail |
Accedian Networks Inc. | SHB Technologies Inc. / Les Technologies SHB Inc. | Shaker, Baha | Projet de recherche en haute technologie plus spécifiquement pour le développement d'équipement électronique utilisé en télécommunication. Subvention du Conseil National de Recherche le PARI (Programe d'Aide à la Recherche Industrielle) |
Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd | Sussex Strategy Group | Gupta, Vic | Regulation Export guidelines, as it relates to the exporting of urea fertilizer from Canada |
Air Products Chemicals | StrategyCorp Inc. | Rosenfeld, Robert | Development of regulations governing industrial greenhouse gas emmissions. |
B-Temia Inc. | Hill+Knowlton Strategies | Charron, Roch | Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit Providing advice and strategic assistance with regard to public and private business opportunities in the Canadian Forces, specifically with regards to human augmentation systems that maintain and enhance human mobility. |
B-Temia Inc. | Hill+Knowlton Strategies | Spilka O'Keefe, Meghan | Grant, Contribution or Other Financial Benefit Providing advice and strategic assistance with regard to public and private business opportunities in the Canadian Forces, specifically with regards to human augmentation systems that maintain and enhance human mobility |
Canada Pork International / Canada Porc International | Self-employed | Asnong, Edouard | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Agri-Marketing Program - Funding of Canada Pork International (CPI) Business Plan Activities related to market access and the promotion of the Canadian pork industry in key markets in 2013-2017. Bilateral trade agreements. Free trade agreement negotiations currently conducted by the Canadian Government with the European Union, the Republic of Korea, Japan, India, and Central America as well as within the Trans Pacific Partnership to gain preferential access in these countries for Canadian pork. Work with CFIA, DFAIT, and AAFC to improve or maintain access to all foreign markets. This would involve negotiations with foreign governments to resolve technical barriers related to sanitary measures as well as pork plant inspection and registration. World Trade Organisation Negotiations on multilateral trade conducted by the Canadian Government - Seek for Canadian pork import tariff reductions by WTO members, elimination of export subsidies on pork, discipline for food aid programs and related credit terms for pork. |
Capital One Bank (Canada Branch) | Temple Scott Associates Inc. | Wudrick, Aaron | Bank Act and regulations respecting cost of credit disclosure and credit card issuer practices. Monitor consultations on Electronic Transactions Policy with respect to credit card transactions. Monitor development of Digital Economy Strategy with respect to policies relating to payments Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Monitor developments regarding the Bank Act with respect to interest rate regulations. Monitor discussions and recommendations of Task Force on Payments System Review with regard to payments policies and credit card accounts Monitor five-year review of Bank Act with respect to payments cards policies and credit card accounts Monitor implementation and Financial Consumer Agency of Canada monitoring of Code of Conduct with respect to Credit Cards Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) as it relates to possible amendments required for: identification of data breaches; cross-border data flows; and consent for the use of personal information. Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Terrorist Financing Act and all regulations relating to know-your-customer requirements. |
Celestica | Sussex Strategy Group | Noble, Wendy | Celestica is looking to obain federal government funding in order to establish a world class centre of excellence, at its site in Toronto, where the leading thinkers from academia, large companies, emerging companies, the research community, government and others collaborate to provide leading edge solutions in advanced electronics manufacturing. |
Cree Nation of Eastmain | Strategycorp Ottawa | Samson, Lisa | Seeking supoort from the First Nations Market Housing Fund and other Canada Housing Mortgage Corporation/Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada loan programs with respect to housing in East Main. |
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba | Self-Employed | Bassa, Jan | Agriculture and International Trade - Promote and defend Canada's supply management system as it relates to World Trade Organization and Canada-European Trade Agreement negotiations as well as other bilateral and multilateral negotiations. Regulations under the Food and Drugs Act relating to compositional standards of dairy products. |
Danone Inc. | Hill+Knowlton Strategies | Proulx, Stefanie | Changes to Health Canada Food Fortification regulation, specifically with respect to probiotics. Health Claims through Health Canada on Consumer Products with respect to probiotics. |
Fonds de Solidarité FTQ | Fasken Martineau | Carli, Gilles | Représentations faites auprès du Ministère des Finances concernant la nécessité pour une société privée d'effectuer le choix fiscal prévu à l'article 184 de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu dans les 30 mois de la déclaration du dividende. |
Hexalab-Science Inc. | Avisa Solutions Financières | Perreault, Guy | Financement pour le développement d'enduits conducteur et semi-conducteur dans les domaines médical et aérospatial. Paiement de salaires et de matériaux. |
Maple Leaf Foods | Hill+Knowlton Strategies | Henley, Matthew | Canada-Korea and Canada-EU free trade negotiations and potential benefit for Canadian pork exports. Establishment of sodium reduction targets for food sold in Canada. Following any new developments with regard to the pre-approval program for meat products labelling. Government action on the recommendations of the Special Investigator into the 2008 Listeriosis Outbreak Incentives to strengthen food safety in Canada including a possible food safety tax credit. Listeria regulatory policy as per Chapter 5 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures and pending changes, including allowance to use rapid Listeria test methods. Meat Products Label Pre-approval Program and proposed changes that will ensure more timely, consistent approval decisions. Support available under the Agri-Processing Initiative for capital investments Temporary Foreign Worker Program and its administration in Western Canada The Canadian negotiating mandate in the World Trade Organization Negotiations and export market access for pork. Policies or Program, The Food and Drugs Regulations, specifically approval of food ingredients including anti-microbial treatments for meat, folic acid fortification for bread, approval of health claims, amendments to allergen labeling regulations and potential regulation of trans fats in food. The Import for Re-export Program for chicken and administration of import controls for chicken. Policies or Program, The National Animal Health and Welfare Strategy, planning for a foreign animal disease outbreak and updating the Animal Transport Regulations. The Product of Canada labeling initative as applied to multi-ingredient foods sold in Canada. |
MasterCard Canada Inc. | Temple Scott Associates Inc. | Leblanc, Jeff | Monitor Bank Act policies with respect to prepaid and credit cards Monitor Bill S-215 An Act to amend the Payment Card Networds Act (Credit Card Acceptance Fees) with respect tp credit card acceptance and interchange rates. Monitor development of Payments and Financial Sector Policies relating to credit cards and credit card acceptance. Monitor development of regulations pursuant to the Bank Act with respect to credit card issuer practices. Monitor developments regarding Bill C-12, An Act to amend the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act with respect to breach notification. Monitor developments regarding Bill C-28 An Act to amend the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act with respect to payment card network operators. Monitor developments regarding Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing Act and regulations with respect to credit card accounts. Monitor implementation and amendment of Payment Card Networks Act with regard to debit and credit cards. Monitor implementation, amendments and Financial Consumer Agency of Canada monitoring of Code of Conduct with respect to Debit and Credit Cards |
Progressive Contractors Association of Canada | Strategycorp Inc. | Rosenfeld, Robert | Discussion with government about infrastructure projects. Discussion with relevant government departments about regulatory issues concerning the construction industry. Skill/Trade training for newly arrived immigrants to Canada and other labour mobility issues. |
Progressive Contractors Association of Canada | Strategycorp Ottawa | Samson, Lisa | Discussion with government about infrastructure projects. Discussion with relevant government departments about regulatory issues concerning the construction industry. Skill/Trade training for newly arrived immigrants to Canada and other labour mobility issues. |
Raytheon Canada Limited | Cfn Consultants | O'keefe, Kevin | Army equipment acquisition projects. |
Raytheon Canada Limited | Cfn Consultants | Maclennan, Charles | Army equipment acquisition projects. |
Raytheon Canada Limited | Cfn Consultants | Rousseau, Georges | Army equipment acquisition projects. |
Raytheon Canada Limited | Cfn Consultants | Irwin, Steven | Army equipment acquisition projects. |
Rotary International | APCO WORLDWIDE (CANADA) | ZELIKOVITZ, EVAN | Advocating simply in regards to the Government's policy relating to polio eradication |
Ryan ULC | StrategyCorp Inc. | Rosenfeld, Robert | Discussion of potential changes to the Scientific Research and Experimental Development program with respect to its primary role in supporting research and innovation in Canada. |
Saskatchewan Milk Marketing Board | Self-Employed | Entz, David | Policies or Program Implementation of Special Agriculture Safeguards for supply-managed products, dairy in particular Agreement on Internal Trade-Review of Chapter 9 World Trade Organization on Agriculture as it relates to supply management |
The Sandbox Project Charity | Ensight Canada | LaRocque, Jacqueline | Seeking an investment by the government of Canada for the creation of a research-based think thank, dedicated to driving change in the social and physical behavior of Canada's youth. |
Votorantim Cement North America | StrategyCorp | Rust, Martin | Discussions pertaining to NAFTA Chapter Eleven Arbitration. |
Votorantim Cement North America | STRATEGYCORP OTTAWA | SAMSON, LISA | Discussions pertaining to NAFTA Chapter Eleven Arbitration. |
Consultant registrations - new (by lobby firm)
A list of lobby firms with new clients.
Jan 12, 2013 to Jan 25, 2013
Lobby Firm | Lobbyist | Client |
Avisa Solutions Financières | Perreault, Guy | Hexalab-Science Inc. |
Cfn Consultants | O'keefe, Kevin | Raytheon Canada Limited |
Cfn Consultants | Maclennan, Charles | Raytheon Canada Limited |
Cfn Consultants | Rousseau, Georges | Raytheon Canada Limited |
Cfn Consultants | Irwin, Steven | Raytheon Canada Limited |
Ensight Canada | LaRocque, Jacqueline | The Sandbox Project Charity |
Fasken Martineau | Carli, Gilles | Fonds de Solidarité FTQ |
Hill+Knowlton Strategies | Charron, Roch | B-Temia Inc. |
Hill+Knowlton Strategies | Spilka O'Keefe, Meghan | B-Temia Inc. |
Hill+Knowlton Strategies | Proulx, Stefanie | Danone Inc. |
Hill+Knowlton Strategies | Henley, Matthew | Maple Leaf Foods |
Self-employed | Asnong, Edouard | Canada Pork International / Canada Porc International |
Self-Employed | Bassa, Jan | Dairy Farmers of Manitoba |
Self-Employed | Entz, David | Saskatchewan Milk Marketing Board |
SHB Technologies Inc. / Les Technologies SHB Inc. | Shaker, Baha | Accedian Networks Inc. |
StrategyCorp | Rust, Martin | Votorantim Cement North America |
StrategyCorp Inc. | Rosenfeld, Robert | Air Products Chemicals |
Strategycorp Inc. | Rosenfeld, Robert | Progressive Contractors Association of Canada |
StrategyCorp Inc. | Rosenfeld, Robert | Ryan ULC |
Strategycorp Ottawa | Samson, Lisa | Cree Nation of Eastmain |
Strategycorp Ottawa | Samson, Lisa | Progressive Contractors Association of Canada |
STRATEGYCORP OTTAWA | SAMSON, LISA | Votorantim Cement North America |
Sussex Strategy Group | Gupta, Vic | Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd |
Sussex Strategy Group | Noble, Wendy | Celestica |
Temple Scott Associates Inc. | Wudrick, Aaron | Capital One Bank (Canada Branch) |
Temple Scott Associates Inc. | Leblanc, Jeff | MasterCard Canada Inc. |
Consultant registrations - renewals (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by client.
Jan 12, 2013 to Jan 25, 2013
Client | Lobby Firm | Lobbyist |
Aim Language Learning Inc. | SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven |
Association québécoise du transport aérien | Hill + Knowlton Stratégies | Hebert, Josiane |
CAN Telematics Inc | SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven |
Canada Media Fund (CMF) / Fonds des médias du Canada (FMC) | The Capital Hill Group Inc. | Graham, Sandra |
Canadian Egg Marketing Agency COB Egg Farmers of Canada / Office Canadien De Commercialisation Des Oeufs COB Les Producteurs D'Oeufs Du Canada | Self-Employed | Clarke, Peter |
Canadian Health Food Association / Association canadienne des aliments de santé | Impact Public Affairs | Reid, Emily |
Canadian National Railway Company | SUMMA STRATEGIES CANADA INC. | WHITING, KENNETH |
Canadian Renewable Fuels Association / Association Canadienne Des Carburants Renouvelables | Self-Employed | Ouellet, Alison |
Canadian Supply Chain Food Safety Coalition / Coalition canadienne de la filière alimentaire pour la salubrité des aliments | Monachus Consulting | Chambers, Albert |
Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. | Fleishman Hillard | Harfield, Jeanne |
Canadian Welding Bureau / Le Bureau Canadien du Soudage | Environics Communications Inc. | Maceachern, Greg |
Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) / Fédération canadienne de la faune (FCF) | Ensight Canada | Mackenzie, Michelle |
Capital One Bank (Canada Branch) | Temple Scott Associates Inc. | LeBlanc, Jeff |
COM DEV International | Earnscliffe Strategy Group | Mackay, Ken |
Conseil Québécois Des Entreprises Adaptées (Cqea) | JBRP & Associés Inc. | Brisson, Joane |
Continental Electrical Motor Services (Northern) Ltd. | SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven |
Danone Inc. | Hill+Knowlton Strategies | South, Robert |
Emergence By Design Inc. | SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven |
Globalive Wireless Management Corp. | Playbook communications | Rusnell, Meaghan |
Google Canada | Playbook communications | Rusnell, Meaghan |
Grand Challenges Canada | Global Health Systems | Kennelly, Joanne |
Grip Rite Carpet Accessories Ltd. | SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven |
Helical Pier Systems Ltd. | SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven |
Kapuskasing Economic Development Corporation | Integrity Intelectual Property Inc. | Coulter, Glenn H. |
L2I Solutions Financières | Self-Employed | Gilbert, Rodrigue |
L3 Communications MAS | HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES | Rowsell, Craig |
Language Industry Association | Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP | Robert, Patrick |
Molson Canada | The Capital Hill Group Inc. | Angus, David |
MONTREAL HIGH LIGHTS Festival / Le Festival MONTRÉAL EN LUMIERE | L'Équipe Spectra | Rico, Roseline |
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada / Société canadienne de la sclérose en plaques | Fleishman Hillard | Harfield, Jeanne |
Noront Resources Inc. | Pathway Group | Mitchell, Kelly |
Nova Chemicals | Earnscliffe Strategy Group | MCCOLL, VELMA |
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada, Inc. | Global Public Affairs | Sampson, Stephen |
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada, Inc. | Global Public Affairs | Kramchynsky, Roberta |
Pratt & Whitney Canada | TACTIX Government Relations Inc. / TACTIX relations gouvernementales inc. | Morgan, Richard A. |
Public Mobile Inc | Pinnacle Public Affairs | Dharamsi, Titch |
RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust | Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP | Wilson, Ronald |
Samuel, Son & Co., Limited | Earnscliffe Strategy Group | Mackay, Ken |
Scandinavian Tobacco Group Canada / Groupe Tabac Scandinave Canada Inc. | Sussex Strategy Group Inc. | Desmarais, Marc |
Stevens & Associates Millwork Ltd. | SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven |
Vale Canada Limited | Fleishman Hillard | Harfield, Jeanne |
Zone Direct MWD Inc. | SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven |
Consultant registrations - renewals (by lobby firm)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by lobby firm.
Jan 12, 2013 to Jan 25, 2013
Lobby Firm | Lobbyist | Client |
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP | Wilson, Ronald | RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust |
Earnscliffe Strategy Group | Mackay, Ken | COM DEV International |
Earnscliffe Strategy Group | MCCOLL, VELMA | Nova Chemicals |
Earnscliffe Strategy Group | Mackay, Ken | Samuel, Son & Co., Limited |
Ensight Canada | Mackenzie, Michelle | Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) / Fédération canadienne de la faune (FCF) |
Environics Communications Inc. | Maceachern, Greg | Canadian Welding Bureau / Le Bureau Canadien du Soudage |
Fleishman Hillard | Harfield, Jeanne | Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. |
Fleishman Hillard | Harfield, Jeanne | Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada / Société canadienne de la sclérose en plaques |
Fleishman Hillard | Harfield, Jeanne | Vale Canada Limited |
Global Health Systems | Kennelly, Joanne | Grand Challenges Canada |
Global Public Affairs | Sampson, Stephen | Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada, Inc. |
Global Public Affairs | Kramchynsky, Roberta | Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada, Inc. |
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP | Robert, Patrick | Language Industry Association |
Hill + Knowlton Stratégies | Hebert, Josiane | Association québécoise du transport aérien |
Hill+Knowlton Strategies | South, Robert | Danone Inc. |
HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES | Rowsell, Craig | L3 Communications MAS |
Impact Public Affairs | Reid, Emily | Canadian Health Food Association / Association canadienne des aliments de santé |
Integrity Intelectual Property Inc. | Coulter, Glenn H. | Kapuskasing Economic Development Corporation |
JBRP & Associés Inc. | Brisson, Joane | Conseil Québécois Des Entreprises Adaptées (Cqea) |
L'Équipe Spectra | Rico, Roseline | MONTREAL HIGH LIGHTS Festival / Le Festival MONTRÉAL EN LUMIERE |
Monachus Consulting | Chambers, Albert | Canadian Supply Chain Food Safety Coalition / Coalition canadienne de la filière alimentaire pour la salubrité des aliments |
Pathway Group | Mitchell, Kelly | Noront Resources Inc. |
Pinnacle Public Affairs | Dharamsi, Titch | Public Mobile Inc |
Playbook communications | Rusnell, Meaghan | Globalive Wireless Management Corp. |
Playbook communications | Rusnell, Meaghan | Google Canada |
Self-Employed | Clarke, Peter | Canadian Egg Marketing Agency COB Egg Farmers of Canada / Office Canadien De Commercialisation Des Oeufs COB Les Producteurs D'Oeufs Du Canada |
Self-Employed | Ouellet, Alison | Canadian Renewable Fuels Association / Association Canadienne Des Carburants Renouvelables |
Self-Employed | Gilbert, Rodrigue | L2I Solutions Financières |
SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven | Aim Language Learning Inc. |
SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven | CAN Telematics Inc |
SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven | Continental Electrical Motor Services (Northern) Ltd. |
SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven | Emergence By Design Inc. |
SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven | Grip Rite Carpet Accessories Ltd. |
SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven | Helical Pier Systems Ltd. |
SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven | Stevens & Associates Millwork Ltd. |
SJE Consulting Ltd. | Eddy, Steven | Zone Direct MWD Inc. |
SUMMA STRATEGIES CANADA INC. | WHITING, KENNETH | Canadian National Railway Company |
Sussex Strategy Group Inc. | Desmarais, Marc | Scandinavian Tobacco Group Canada / Groupe Tabac Scandinave Canada Inc. |
TACTIX Government Relations Inc. / TACTIX relations gouvernementales inc. | Morgan, Richard A. | Pratt & Whitney Canada |
Temple Scott Associates Inc. | LeBlanc, Jeff | Capital One Bank (Canada Branch) |
The Capital Hill Group Inc. | Graham, Sandra | Canada Media Fund (CMF) / Fonds des médias du Canada (FMC) |
The Capital Hill Group Inc. | Angus, David | Molson Canada |