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Who hired who: Updates to the lobbyist registry, Feb. 1 - 8

Published: Friday, 02/08/2013 5:08 pm EST
Last Updated: Friday, 02/15/2013 3:40 pm EST

Consultant registrations - new (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that hired consultant lobbyists, and the issues they were hired to lobby on, listed by client.
Feb 01, 2013 to Feb 08, 2013


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist Detail
Alderon Iron Ore Corporation Summa Strategies Canada Powers, Timothy Monitor the federal environmental assessment review process for Alderon's Kami Project in Labrador
Alderon Iron Ore Corporation Summa Strategies Canada MacLachlan, Robin Monitor the federal environmental assessment review process for Alderon's Kami project in Labrador
Association of Canadian Distillers (Spirits Canada) Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Excise Act 2001 - Excise rates for Spirits
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada / Les Grands Frères Grandes Soeurs du Canada Temple Scott Associates Inc. Sogne, Sébastien Organization of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada Parliamentary Day to promote Mentorship Programs.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada / Les Grands Frères Grandes Soeurs du Canada Temple Scott Associates Inc. Pearce, Emily Organization of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada Parliamentary Day to promote Mentorship Programs.
British Columbia and Yukon Territory Building and Construction Trades Council West Star Communications Corporation Tieleman, Bill Policies or Program Concerns about enforcement and regulation of Temporary Foreign Worker Program
Canadian Construction Association / Association canadienne de la construction IMPACT PUBLIC AFFAIRS WILLIAMS, HUW Canadas Long-term Infrastructure Plan (LTIP), the federal government should ensure the LTIP is funded for at least 7 years; is funded at a level equivalent to the Building Canada Plan of 2007; and, is announced prior to the expiration of the Building Canada Plan in 2014 to ensure no gaps in funding exist. Facilitate discussions with government to see quick implementation of federal infrastructure programs such as the long-term Infrastructure Plan.
Canadian Library Association / Association Canadienne des Bibliothèques Impact Public Affairs Waldmeier, Cynthia An Act to amend the Copyright Act, with regards to digital rights management, contract law, perceptual disabilities, library exceptions for research and private study, and statutory damages. Establish a national literacy policy for Canada so that libraries can offer innovative literacy programs and strategies in order to help advance Canadians early literacy skills. Obtain contributions in order to maintain the Library Book Rate Policies or Program, Seeking an increase in funding to reinstate Industry Canada's Community Access Program
City of Surrey NATIONAL Public Relations / Le Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL Triemstra, Matthew Discussions to determine sources of funding in relation to municipal transportation projects
Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Briefing on Coca-Colas water stewardship initiatives, including partnerships with the World Wildlife Federation. Coca-Cola's corporate social responsibility regarding proposed environmental program in partnership with the World Wildlife Federation Participation in the national dialogue on child obesity
Dairy Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs laitiers du Canada Self-Employed Klassen, Isaac Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Implementation of special agriculture safeguards for supply-managed producets, dairy in particular Agreement on Internal Trade - Reveiw of Chapter 9 World Trade Organization on agriculture as it relates to supply management
Emerald Plants Health Source (E.P.H.S) Inc. LauMac Consultants inc. Spiridigliozzi, Dominic Regulation Lobbying & supporting on behalf our client in the Marihuana for Medical Purposes regulation. Apply to become a licensed producer for the program for our client.
Facebook Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Regulation Bill C-28 Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act (FISA) as it pertains to the requirements of the anti spam legislation for social media and internet. Regulation, The Privacy Act and its rules and regulations concerning privacy of internet and social media users/consumers.
Festival MONTRÉAL EN LUMIERE L'Équipe Spectra Landry, Véronique Recherche de financement auprès de Patrimoine canadien et de Développement économique Canada à des fins d'élaboration, de mise en úuvre et de mise en marché (promotion du festival).
Harry Winston Diamond Corporation Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Canadian Environmental Assessment Act: Regulations pertaining to diamond mining activities such as kimberlite processing and storage, relating to water quality and fish habitat. Promoting Canadian diamond expertise and technology in the region of Southeastern Africa, in partnership with the Canadian Government, and arranging meetings between the company and the governments of Botswana and Canada.
Les FrancoFolies de Montréal L'Équipe Spectra Landry, Véronique Recherche de financement auprès de Patrimoine canadien et de Développement économique Canada à des fins d'élaboration artistique, de mise en úuvre et de mise en marché (promotion) du festival.
Medicago Inc The Rothwell Group Peters, Danielle Raising awareness of new therapies for treatment of pandemic diseases
Merit Canada Temple Scott Associates Inc. Wudrick, Aaron Seeking the adoption of Bill C-377, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (requirements for labour organizations).
Montreal International Jazz Festival / Festival International de Jazz de Montréal L'Équipe Spectra Landry, Véronique Recherche de financement auprès de Patrimoine canadien et de Développement économique Canada à des fins d'élaboration artistique, de mise en úuvre et de mise en marché (promotion) du festival
Mosaic Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Federal government policy with respect to rules surroudning potash mine development and overseas exports.
Northwestel Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies ROSCOE, ELIZABETH CRTC Regulatory Hearing as it relates to Northwestel's regulatory framework
Oakville Resources Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Mackenzie Valley Resources Management Act - Explore legislative options and regulatory process for creation of new power generation facilities in the North Northwest Territories Waters Act - Explore legislative options for creation of new power generation facilities in the North
Parrish and Heimbecker Ltd. Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Canada Marine Act - Section 4, part F, with respect to marine policies that offer effective support for the achievement of national, regional and local social and economic objectives and will promote and safeguard Canadas competitiveness and trade objectives.
Plasco Energy Group Inc. Earnscliffe Strategy Group Norquay, Geoff To brief government officials on the current state of Plasco's waste gasification technology for domestic and international markets.
Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada / lAssociation canadienne des prospecteurs et entrepreneurs (ACPE) NATIONAL Public Relations / Le Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL Mahoney, Richard Outreach to MPs and related Ministries for the purpose of promoting the PDAC 2013 Convention.
Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association of Canada / Association des CommerÁants de Véhicules Récréatifs du Canada IMPACT PUBLIC AFFAIRS WILLIAMS, HUW Implement a national initiative to ensure safety checks are performed on all RVs purchased across the border, to ensure consumer and dealer safety across the country. Reduce the taxes and duties paid on imported aftermarket RV parts
Spundge Inc. Self-Employed Alleyne, Colin NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program: Spundge Inc. is requesting funds from the IRAP program to partially cover the R&D cost of developing the technology behind a new product. The product is scheduled to be launched in the following 4 months and Spundge is requesting approximately $50,000.
Sunwing Airlines Inc. Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline Advocacy on pilot training, work force issues and the pending transport policy review of airplane and crew leases.
Telus Corporation Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Telecommunications policy with respect to Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) and broadband infrastructure


Consultant registrations - new (by lobby firm)
A list of lobby firms with new clients.
Feb 01, 2013 to Feb 08, 2013


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Association of Canadian Distillers (Spirits Canada)
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Facebook
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Harry Winston Diamond Corporation
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Mosaic
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Oakville Resources
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Parrish and Heimbecker Ltd.
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Telus Corporation
Earnscliffe Strategy Group Norquay, Geoff Plasco Energy Group Inc.
Ensight Canada LaRocque, Jacqueline Sunwing Airlines Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies ROSCOE, ELIZABETH Northwestel Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Canada HUGHES, JACK Candu Energy Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Canada HUGHES, JACK Maple Leaf Foods
IMPACT PUBLIC AFFAIRS WILLIAMS, HUW Canadian Construction Association / Association canadienne de la construction
Impact Public Affairs Waldmeier, Cynthia Canadian Library Association / Association Canadienne des Bibliothèques
IMPACT PUBLIC AFFAIRS WILLIAMS, HUW Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association of Canada / Association des CommerÁants de Véhicules Récréatifs du Canada
L'Équipe Spectra Landry, Véronique Festival MONTRÉAL EN LUMIERE
L'Équipe Spectra Landry, Véronique Les FrancoFolies de Montréal
L'Équipe Spectra Landry, Véronique Montreal International Jazz Festival / Festival International de Jazz de Montréal
LauMac Consultants inc. Spiridigliozzi, Dominic Emerald Plants Health Source (E.P.H.S) Inc.
NATIONAL Public Relations / Le Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL Triemstra, Matthew City of Surrey
NATIONAL Public Relations / Le Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL Mahoney, Richard Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada / lAssociation canadienne des prospecteurs et entrepreneurs (ACPE)
Self-Employed Klassen, Isaac Dairy Farmers of Canada / Les Producteurs laitiers du Canada
Self-Employed Alleyne, Colin Spundge Inc.
Summa Strategies Canada Powers, Timothy Alderon Iron Ore Corporation
Summa Strategies Canada MacLachlan, Robin Alderon Iron Ore Corporation
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Sogne, Sébastien Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada / Les Grands Frères Grandes Soeurs du Canada
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Pearce, Emily Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada / Les Grands Frères Grandes Soeurs du Canada
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Wudrick, Aaron Merit Canada
The Rothwell Group Peters, Danielle Medicago Inc


Consultant registrations - renewals (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by client.
Feb 01, 2013 to Feb 08, 2013


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Public Affairs Counsel METCALFE, ISABEL
Alberta Urban Municipalities Association Crestview Hayduk, Morgan
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Building and Construction Trades Department, Canadian Office Crestview Hayduk, Morgan
BIE Health Products Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman
Canadian Gaming Association Crestview Hayduk, Morgan
Canadian Pasta Manufacturers Association / Association canadienne des fabricants de pates alimentaires Self-Employed JARVIS, DONALD
CERBE Distributing Inc. Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman
David Best o/a Green Door Vitamins Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman
Dr. Suresh Kassett Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman
Emirates Airline Temple Scott Associates Inc. Munnoch, Scott
Fonds de solidarité FTQ Hill+Knowlton Strategies Clarke, Ryan
Gildan Activewear Inc. Prospectus Associates Pelletier, Martin-Pierre
Howard John Phelan Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman
Karen Hatchard Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman
Language Industry Association Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Robert, Patrick
Michelle Meiers Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman
Monachus Consulting Monachus Consulting CHAMBERS, ALBERT
Paula Meier Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman
Power Workers' Union Campbell Strategies Inc. CAMPBELL, BARRY
Primerica Financial Services Ltd. / Les Services Financiers Primerica Ltee Sage Public Affairs Bilhan, Hande
Richard Copple Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman
Saskatchewan Milk Marketing Board Self-Employed Klassen, Isaac
Sunwing Airlines Inc. Ensight Canada Stewart, Will
Xstrata Coal Canada Limited NATIONAL Public Relations Baglole, Joel


Consultant registrations - renewals (by lobby firm)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by lobby firm.
Feb 01, 2013 to Feb 08, 2013


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
Campbell Strategies Inc. CAMPBELL, BARRY Power Workers' Union
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Alberta Urban Municipalities Association
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Building and Construction Trades Department, Canadian Office
Crestview Hayduk, Morgan Canadian Gaming Association
Ensight Canada Stewart, Will Sunwing Airlines Inc.
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Robert, Patrick Language Industry Association
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Clarke, Ryan Fonds de solidarité FTQ
Monachus Consulting CHAMBERS, ALBERT Monachus Consulting
NATIONAL Public Relations Baglole, Joel Xstrata Coal Canada Limited
Prospectus Associates Pelletier, Martin-Pierre Gildan Activewear Inc.
Public Affairs Counsel METCALFE, ISABEL Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
Sage Public Affairs Bilhan, Hande Primerica Financial Services Ltd. / Les Services Financiers Primerica Ltee
Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman BIE Health Products
Self-Employed JARVIS, DONALD Canadian Pasta Manufacturers Association / Association canadienne des fabricants de p‚tes alimentaires
Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman CERBE Distributing Inc.
Self-employed Harrop, Ian Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman David Best o/a Green Door Vitamins
Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman Dr. Suresh Kassett
Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman Howard John Phelan
Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman Karen Hatchard
Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman Michelle Meiers
Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman Paula Meier
Self-Employed Tuck, Trueman Richard Copple
Self-Employed Klassen, Isaac Saskatchewan Milk Marketing Board
Temple Scott Associates Inc. Munnoch, Scott Emirates Airline



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