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Who hired who: Updates to the lobbyist registry, Feb. 8 - 15

Published: Friday, 02/15/2013 3:45 pm EST

Consultant registrations - new (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that hired consultant lobbyists, and the issues they were hired to lobby on, listed by client.
Feb 08, 2013 to Feb 15, 2013


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist Detail
BC Dairy Association Self-Employed Owen, Phil Policies or Program, Environment-the Dairy industry is interested in sustainable development, helping to improve the environment-the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS). Policies or Program, Regulation, Health-Milk is an important part of a healthy diet. We encourage the public to consume milk to meet the daily dairy requirements of important minerals and vitamins such as Calcium, Vit D, which help prevent osteoporosis. Reference is Canada's food guide. Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Regulation, International Trade-one of the main pillars for the success of Supply management (on which the Dairy industry in Canada is based) is import control.
BC Dairy Association Self-Employed Schwichtenberg, Holger Regulation Environment-the Dairy industry is interested in sustainable development, helping to improve the environment. Health-Milk is an important part of a healthy diet. We encourage the public to consume milk to meet the daily dairy requirements of important minerals and vitamins such as Calcium, Vit D, which help prevent osteoporosis. Reference is Canada's food guide. Policies or Program, Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, International Trade-one of the main pillars for the success of Supply management (on which the Dairy industry in Canada is based) is import control.
Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health / Alliance canadienne pour la maladie mentale et la santé mentale Impact Public Affairs / Impact Affaires Publiques Debaeremaeker, Kalene Increased funding for mental health services.
Canadian Cancer Survivor Network / Reseau Canadien des Survivants du Cancer Self-Employed Glover, Tiffany Canadian Strategy on Cancer Control as it relates to implementation Policies or Program, Employment Insurance Act and Regulations with respect to expanding EI Sickness Benefits Policies or Program, Employment Insurance Act and Regulations, expanding the eligibility criteria for Compassionate Care Benefits
Canadian Horticultural Council / Conseil canadien de l'horticulture Ensight Canada Moylan, Hilary AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CANADA - Advance Payments Program (APP), in respect to working to ensure horticultural producers receive cash advances without issue or delay. AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CANADA - AgriStability, AgriRecovery and AgriInvest, in respect to helping Canadian horticultural producers obtain funds for production loss, and business risk management programs. FINANCE CANADA - federal budget, in respect to ensuring horticultural programs are adequately funded. FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE CANADA - Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), to ensure free markets for goods and services in the Americas. INDUSTRY CANADA - Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act, in respect to ensuring free movement of horticultural products between all provinces and territories. Members of the House of Commons - Direct communication with MPs on CHC's activities and initiatives. Prime Minister's Office (PMO) - Direct communication with PMO on CHC's activities and initiatives.
Canadian Library Association / Association Canadienne des Bibliothèques Impact Public Affairs / Impact Affaires Publiques Debaeremaeker, Kalene An Act to amend the Copyright Act, with regards to digital rights management, contract law, perceptual disabilities, library exceptions for research and private study, and statutory damages. Establish a national literacy policy for Canada so that libraries can offer innovative literacy programs and strategies in order to help advance Canadians early literacy skills. Obtain contributions in order to maintain the Library Book Rate Seeking an increase in funding to reinstate Industry Canada's Community Access Program
Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne Canadian Medical Association / Association Médical Canadienne Affleck, Ewan ABORIGINAL HEALTH ISSUES: Improvement to the health and health care services provide to aboriginal people in Canada ASBESTOS: Elimination of the use and exportation of Asbestos. CANADA PENSION PLAN: Improvements in both administration and compensation of the programs CANADIAN PHARMACEUTICAL STRATEGY: A national strategy to ensure all Canadian have access to safe, effective and affordable prescription drugs regardless of employment status or geography CHILD HEALTH: Increased investments and improved regulation to protect and enhance the health of children ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH ISSUES: Improvement in federal legislation to improve air, water, soil quality and climate change. EXCISE TAX ACT: GST AND PHYSICIAN SERVICES: Changes to the application of the GST (zero-rate) on Physician practices HEALTH HUMAN RESOURCES: Recruitment and retention of health care providers and federal investment in residency spots. HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ELECTRONIC MEDICAL AND HEALTH RECORDS): Investment and needed regulations to facilitate the development of EHRs and EMRs in Canada HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION: Increased investment and improved regulations to protect and enhance the health of Canadians HEALTHY LIVING INITIATIVES: Encouraging governments to fund programs to promote healthy living LONG-TERM CARE: Increase investments and changes to the Tax Act to enhance long-term care MEDICAL EDUCATION: Increase funding for medical education MEDICINAL MARIJUANA REGULATIONS: Improving regulations as they relate to the prescribing of medical marijuana MENTAL HEALTH AND NATIONAL STRATEGY: Increased investment by the federal government to improve programs and services for the mentally ill NATIONAL HEALTH GOALS: The establishment of national health goals for the Canadian population PALLIATIVE AND END OF LIFE CARE: Improved national standards and investment in the area of palliative and end of life care PATIENT SAFETY: National Standards for patient care PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION AND ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT ACT (PIPEDA): PRIVACY PROTECTION OF HEALTH INFORMATION AND THE REGULATORY REVIEW: Improvement to privacy legislation to protect the privacy of health information PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATIONS: Federal investments or taxation changes to improve the health care system and the health of Canadians
Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne Canadian Medical Association / Association Médicale Canadienne Francescutti, Louis Hugo ABORIGINAL HEALTH ISSUES: Improvement to the health and health care services provide to aboriginal people in Canada ASBESTOS: Elimination of the use and exportation of Asbestos. CANADA PENSION PLAN: Improvements in both administration and compensation of the programs CANADIAN PHARMACEUTICAL STRATEGY: A national strategy to ensure all Canadian have access to safe, effective and affordable prescription drugs regardless of employment status or geography CHILD HEALTH: Increased investments and improved regulation to protect and enhance the health of children ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH ISSUES: Improvement in federal legislation to improve air, water, soil quality and climate change. EXCISE TAX ACT: GST AND PHYSICIAN SERVICES: Changes to the application of the GST (zero-rate) on Physician practices HEALTH HUMAN RESOURCES: Recruitment and retention of health care providers and federal investment in residency spots. HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ELECTRONIC MEDICAL AND HEALTH RECORDS): Investment and needed regulations to facilitate the development of EHRs and EMRs in Canada HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION: Increased investment and improved regulations to protect and enhance the health of Canadians HEALTHY LIVING INITIATIVES: Encouraging governments to fund programs to promote healthy living LONG-TERM CARE: Increase investments and changes to the Tax Act to enhance long-term care MEDICAL EDUCATION: Increase funding for medical education MEDICINAL MARIJUANA REGULATIONS: Improving regulations as they relate to the prescribing of medical marijuana MENTAL HEALTH AND NATIONAL STRATEGY: Increased investment by the federal government to improve programs and services for the mentally ill NATIONAL HEALTH GOALS: The establishment of national health goals for the Canadian population PALLIATIVE AND END OF LIFE CARE: Improved national standards and investment in the area of palliative and end of life care PATIENT SAFETY: National Standards for patient care PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION AND ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT ACT (PIPEDA): PRIVACY PROTECTION OF HEALTH INFORMATION AND THE REGULATORY REVIEW: Improvement to privacy legislation to protect the privacy of health information PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATIONS: Federal investments or taxation changes to improve the health care system and the health of Canadians
Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne Canadian Medical Association / Association Médicale Canadienne Clouston, Robin ABORIGINAL HEALTH ISSUES: Improvement to the health and health care services provide to aboriginal people in Canada ASBESTOS: Elimination of the use and exportation of Asbestos. CANADA PENSION PLAN: Improvements in both administration and compensation of the programs CANADIAN PHARMACEUTICAL STRATEGY: A national strategy to ensure all Canadian have access to safe, effective and affordable prescription drugs regardless of employment status or geography CHILD HEALTH: Increased investments and improved regulation to protect and enhance the health of children ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH ISSUES: Improvement in federal legislation to improve air, water, soil quality and climate change. EXCISE TAX ACT: GST AND PHYSICIAN SERVICES: Changes to the application of the GST (zero-rate) on Physician practices HEALTH HUMAN RESOURCES: Recruitment and retention of health care providers and federal investment in residency spots. HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ELECTRONIC MEDICAL AND HEALTH RECORDS): Investment and needed regulations to facilitate the development of EHRs and EMRs in Canada HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION: Increased investment and improved regulations to protect and enhance the health of Canadians HEALTHY LIVING INITIATIVES: Encouraging governments to fund programs to promote healthy living LONG-TERM CARE: Increase investments and changes to the Tax Act to enhance long-term care MEDICAL EDUCATION: Increase funding for medical education MEDICINAL MARIJUANA REGULATIONS: Improving regulations as they relate to the prescribing of medical marijuana MENTAL HEALTH AND NATIONAL STRATEGY: Increased investment by the federal government to improve programs and services for the mentally ill NATIONAL HEALTH GOALS: The establishment of national health goals for the Canadian population PALLIATIVE AND END OF LIFE CARE: Improved national standards and investment in the area of palliative and end of life care PATIENT SAFETY: National Standards for patient care PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION AND ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT ACT (PIPEDA): PRIVACY PROTECTION OF HEALTH INFORMATION AND THE REGULATORY REVIEW: Improvement to privacy legislation to protect the privacy of health information PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATIONS: Federal investments or taxation changes to improve the health care system and the health of Canadians
Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne Canadian Medical Association / Association Médicale Canadienne Kennedy, Stewart ABORIGINAL HEALTH ISSUES: Improvement to the health and health care services provide to aboriginal people in Canada ASBESTOS: Elimination of the use and exportation of Asbestos. CANADA PENSION PLAN: Improvements in both administration and compensation of the programs CANADIAN PHARMACEUTICAL STRATEGY: A national strategy to ensure all Canadian have access to safe, effective and affordable prescription drugs regardless of employment status or geography CHILD HEALTH: Increased investments and improved regulation to protect and enhance the health of children ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH ISSUES: Improvement in federal legislation to improve air, water, soil quality and climate change. EXCISE TAX ACT: GST AND PHYSICIAN SERVICES: Changes to the application of the GST (zero-rate) on Physician practices HEALTH HUMAN RESOURCES: Recruitment and retention of health care providers and federal investment in residency spots. HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ELECTRONIC MEDICAL AND HEALTH RECORDS): Investment and needed regulations to facilitate the development of EHRs and EMRs in Canada HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION: Increased investment and improved regulations to protect and enhance the health of Canadians HEALTHY LIVING INITIATIVES: Encouraging governments to fund programs to promote healthy living LONG-TERM CARE: Increase investments and changes to the Tax Act to enhance long-term care MEDICAL EDUCATION: Increase funding for medical education MEDICINAL MARIJUANA REGULATIONS: Improving regulations as they relate to the prescribing of medical marijuana MENTAL HEALTH AND NATIONAL STRATEGY: Increased investment by the federal government to improve programs and services for the mentally ill NATIONAL HEALTH GOALS: The establishment of national health goals for the Canadian population PALLIATIVE AND END OF LIFE CARE: Improved national standards and investment in the area of palliative and end of life care PATIENT SAFETY: National Standards for patient care PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION AND ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT ACT (PIPEDA): PRIVACY PROTECTION OF HEALTH INFORMATION AND THE REGULATORY REVIEW: Improvement to privacy legislation to protect the privacy of health information PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATIONS: Federal investments or taxation changes to improve the health care system and the health of Canadians
Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne Canadian Medical Association / Association Médicale Canadienne Lewis, Brendan ABORIGINAL HEALTH ISSUES: Improvement to the health and health care services provide to aboriginal people in Canada ASBESTOS: Elimination of the use and exportation of Asbestos. CANADA PENSION PLAN: Improvements in both administration and compensation of the programs CANADIAN PHARMACEUTICAL STRATEGY: A national strategy to ensure all Canadian have access to safe, effective and affordable prescription drugs regardless of employment status or geography CHILD HEALTH: Increased investments and improved regulation to protect and enhance the health of children ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH ISSUES: Improvement in federal legislation to improve air, water, soil quality and climate change. EXCISE TAX ACT: GST AND PHYSICIAN SERVICES: Changes to the application of the GST (zero-rate) on Physician practices HEALTH HUMAN RESOURCES: Recruitment and retention of health care providers and federal investment in residency spots. HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ELECTRONIC MEDICAL AND HEALTH RECORDS): Investment and needed regulations to facilitate the development of EHRs and EMRs in Canada HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION: Increased investment and improved regulations to protect and enhance the health of Canadians HEALTHY LIVING INITIATIVES: Encouraging governments to fund programs to promote healthy living LONG-TERM CARE: Increase investments and changes to the Tax Act to enhance long-term care MEDICAL EDUCATION: Increase funding for medical education MEDICINAL MARIJUANA REGULATIONS: Improving regulations as they relate to the prescribing of medical marijuana MENTAL HEALTH AND NATIONAL STRATEGY: Increased investment by the federal government to improve programs and services for the mentally ill NATIONAL HEALTH GOALS: The establishment of national health goals for the Canadian population PALLIATIVE AND END OF LIFE CARE: Improved national standards and investment in the area of palliative and end of life care PATIENT SAFETY: National Standards for patient care PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION AND ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT ACT (PIPEDA): PRIVACY PROTECTION OF HEALTH INFORMATION AND THE REGULATORY REVIEW: Improvement to privacy legislation to protect the privacy of health information PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATIONS: Federal investments or taxation changes to improve the health care system and the health of Canadians
City of Surrey NATIONAL Public Relations Baglole, Joel Discussions to determine sources of funding in relation to municipal transportation projects
City of Surrey NATIONAL Public Relations Mitton, Stephanie Discussions to determine sources of funding in relation to municipal transportation projects
DRS technologies Canada LTD / DRS technologies Canada Ltee Summa Strategies cousineau, karine Area Surveillance Radar (ASR) Government Contract Pursued Integrated Soldier System Project (ISSP) Government Contract Pursued Man-portable Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar (MSTAR) Government Contract Pursued National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy (NSPS) Government Contract Pursued TACTICAL INTEGRATED COMMAND CONTROL AND COMMUNICATIONS (TIC3 (AIR)
Intellectual Property Institute of Canada / LInstitut de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada Impact Public Affairs Hatch, Michael To establish self regulation for the patent officers' profession. To extend the benefit of privilege to protect the confidentiality of communications between patent officers and their clients applying for patents under the Patent Act. Policies or Program, To prevent the inadvertent loss of patent protection rights of Canadian innovators due to clerical and administrative errors in the application process.
Languages Canada / Langues Canada PROSPECTUS ASSOCIATES IN CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT INC EVERSHED, ROBERT Pursue amendments to the proposed regulatory changes in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (Canada Gazette Part 1, December 29, 2012) addressing foreign students' eligibility to obtain work permits.
L'association des présidences en éducation de lOuest et du Nord (APÉON) Self-Employed Hébert, Jean Policies or Program Demande daide financière pour la conceptualisation dun ´ Cadre de référence communª lequel servira à développer une nouvelle politique d'encadrement linguistique et culturel pour le bénéfices des élèves des comunautés francophones en situation minoritaire dans les quatre provinces de l'Ouest et trois territoires du Nord
Pascan Aviation Hill+Knowlton Strategies GALIMBERTI, JOSEPH Seeking permission to expand Pascans infrastructure at the airport of Wabush and Sept-Œles as it relates to existing policies and programs.
Petroleum Services Association of Canada Leah Murray Communications Murray, Leah Discuss service, supply and manufacturing sectors within the upstream petroleum industry and issues that are germain to the energy sector
Rich Products of Canada Ltd. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Johnson, Conrad Registration issues with Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Dairy Products Regulations)
Rich Products of Canada Ltd. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP BROCK, DANIEL Registration issues with Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Dairy Products Regulations)
Rich Products of Canada Ltd. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Feldkamp, Claudia Registration issues with Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Dairy Products Regulations)
Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc. Summa Strategies Canada Powers, Timothy Clarification of CFIA process to acquire a "Free Sales Certificate" with respect to international trade of feed.
Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc. Summa Strategies Canada Inc. Harrison, Katlyn Clarification of CFIA process to acquire a "Free Sales Certificate" with respect to international trade of feed.
The Schizophrenia Society of Canada / Société canadienne de la schizophrénie Hill+Knowlton Strategies Proulx, Stefanie The Department is Justice Canada announced its plan to introduce changes to ìNot Criminally Responsible' provisions for mentally ill offenders as written in the Criminal Code of Canada, along with its relevant policies. We seek to ensure any changes protect the interest of Canadians with mental illnesses and their families by ensuring the rights tools are provided and no components that will lead to unintended consequences are included in the Bill.
U.S. Steel Canada Ensight Canada Moylan, Hilary Economic and Fiscal policy, including corporate tax provisions that support improving competitiveness for Canadian industry and manufacutring and aid in attracting foreign direct investment. Environmental policy, as it relates to climate change initiatives and the implementation of air quality objectives for air pollutants. International trade policy, as it impacts the competitiveness of the Canadian steel industry through new policies and/or regulations; international negotiations; and, involvement in international organizations (i.e. North American Steel Trade Committee, WTO). Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), with respect to the administration of Canada's trade remedy system as applicable to domestic industry. Transportation policy, with respect to changes that impact carriers on rail, roads or the St. Lawrence Seaway/ Great Lakes and that could impact the shipment and delivery of raw materials and/or finished products.
University of Alberta Global Health Systems Kennelly, Joanne International scientific and commercialization collaborations with respect to infectious diseases and prion diseases.


Consultant registrations - new (by lobby firm)
A list of lobby firms with new clients.
Feb 08, 2013 to Feb 15, 2013


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
Canadian Medical Association / Association Médical Canadienne Affleck, Ewan Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
Canadian Medical Association / Association Médicale Canadienne Francescutti, Louis Hugo Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
Canadian Medical Association / Association Médicale Canadienne Clouston, Robin Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
Canadian Medical Association / Association Médicale Canadienne Kennedy, Stewart Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
Canadian Medical Association / Association Médicale Canadienne Lewis, Brendan Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
Ensight Canada Moylan, Hilary Canadian Horticultural Council / Conseil canadien de l'horticulture
Ensight Canada Moylan, Hilary U.S. Steel Canada
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Johnson, Conrad Rich Products of Canada Ltd.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP BROCK, DANIEL Rich Products of Canada Ltd.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Feldkamp, Claudia Rich Products of Canada Ltd.
Global Health Systems Kennelly, Joanne University of Alberta
Hill+Knowlton Strategies GALIMBERTI, JOSEPH Pascan Aviation
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Proulx, Stefanie The Schizophrenia Society of Canada / Société canadienne de la schizophrénie
Impact Public Affairs Hatch, Michael Intellectual Property Institute of Canada / LInstitut de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada
Impact Public Affairs / Impact Affaires Publiques Debaeremaeker, Kalene Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health / Alliance canadienne pour la maladie mentale et la santé mentale
Impact Public Affairs / Impact Affaires Publiques Debaeremaeker, Kalene Canadian Library Association / Association Canadienne des Bibliothèques
Leah Murray Communications Murray, Leah Petroleum Services Association of Canada
NATIONAL Public Relations Baglole, Joel City of Surrey
NATIONAL Public Relations Mitton, Stephanie City of Surrey
Self-Employed Owen, Phil BC Dairy Association
Self-Employed Schwichtenberg, Holger BC Dairy Association
Self-Employed Glover, Tiffany Canadian Cancer Survivor Network / Reseau Canadien des Survivants du Cancer
Self-Employed Hébert, Jean Lassociation des présidences en éducation de lOuest et du Nord (APÉON)
Summa Strategies cousineau, karine DRS technologies Canada LTD / DRS technologies Canada Ltee
Summa Strategies Canada Powers, Timothy Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.
Summa Strategies Canada Inc. Harrison, Katlyn Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.


Consultant registrations - renewals (by client)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by client.
Feb 08, 2013 to Feb 15, 2013


Client Lobby Firm Lobbyist
Alberta Milk Self-Employed Towle, Jim
Association of Canadian Publishers Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Galloro, Vivien
Association of Fundraising Professionals Sussex Strategy Group Inc. Desmarais, Marc
BC Dairy Association BC Dairy Association Wiebe, Jeremy
BC Dairy Association Self-Employed Vandeburgt, Ken
BC Dairy Association Self-Employed Taylor, Dave
Campus Stores Canada IMPACT PUBLIC AFFAIRS Powell, Michael
Canadian Importers 9948 Fair Treatment Coalition Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Johnson, Conrad
Conseil Québécois Des Entreprises Adaptées (Cqea) JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Leyenhorst, Martin
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Gilson, Scott
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Heapy, Richard
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Mangin, Raymond
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Knockaert, Lawrence
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Holtmann, Henry
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Self-Employed Gorter, Hans
Dairy Processors Association of Canada / Association des Transformateurs Laitiers du Canada Self-Employed Crichton, Jackie
Fort William First Nation Connect Consulting Solutions Strauss, Steven
Friends of Canadian Broadcasting J. Thompson Communications Inc. Thompson, Jim
Laricina Energy Ltd. Leah Murray Communications Murray, Leah
MTS Allstream (through Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP) Self-Employed LaBossiere Parr, Danielle
Netsecure Technologies Ltd. DFH Public Affairs Calgary Limited McFadyen, Hugh
Noront Resources Inc. Pathway Group Bangs, Jeff
Northwestel Inc. HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Carson, Lee
Northwestel Inc. Hill+Knowlton Strategies ROSCOE, ELIZABETH
Peinture GS et Placage GE CAP PME Inc. Belzile, Francis
Progress Energy Canada Ltd. Leah Murray Communications Murray, Leah
Raytheon Canada Limited CFN CONSULTANTS Parker, Ian
RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Johnson, Conrad
Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE) / Union canadienne des employes des transports (UCTE) Hillwatch Inc. TEETER, MICHAEL
UPS Canada Sussex Strategy Group Inc. Desmarais, Marc


Consultant registrations - renewals (by lobby firm)
A list of organizations and corporations that renewed their relationship with a consultant lobbyist, listed by lobby firm.
Feb 08, 2013 to Feb 15, 2013


Lobby Firm Lobbyist Client
BC Dairy Association Wiebe, Jeremy BC Dairy Association
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Galloro, Vivien Association of Canadian Publishers
CAP PME Inc. Belzile, Francis Peinture GS et Placage GE
CFN CONSULTANTS Parker, Ian Raytheon Canada Limited
Connect Consulting Solutions Strauss, Steven Fort William First Nation
DFH Public Affairs Calgary Limited McFadyen, Hugh Netsecure Technologies Ltd.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Johnson, Conrad Canadian Importers 9948 Fair Treatment Coalition
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Johnson, Conrad RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES Carson, Lee Northwestel Inc.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies ROSCOE, ELIZABETH Northwestel Inc.
Hillwatch Inc. TEETER, MICHAEL Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE) / Union canadienne des employes des transports (UCTE)
IMPACT PUBLIC AFFAIRS Powell, Michael Campus Stores Canada
J. Thompson Communications Inc. Thompson, Jim Friends of Canadian Broadcasting
JBRP & Associés Inc. BRISSON, JOANE Conseil Québécois Des Entreprises Adaptées (Cqea)
Leah Murray Communications Murray, Leah Laricina Energy Ltd.
Leah Murray Communications Murray, Leah Progress Energy Canada Ltd.
Pathway Group Bangs, Jeff Noront Resources Inc.
Self-Employed Towle, Jim Alberta Milk
Self-Employed Vandeburgt, Ken BC Dairy Association
Self-Employed Taylor, Dave BC Dairy Association
Self-Employed Leyenhorst, Martin Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Gilson, Scott Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Heapy, Richard Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Mangin, Raymond Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Knockaert, Lawrence Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Holtmann, Henry Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Gorter, Hans Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Self-Employed Crichton, Jackie Dairy Processors Association of Canada / Association des Transformateurs Laitiers du Canada
Self-Employed LaBossiere Parr, Danielle MTS Allstream (through Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP)
Sussex Strategy Group Inc. Desmarais, Marc Association of Fundraising Professionals
Sussex Strategy Group Inc. Desmarais, Marc UPS Canada



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