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New registrations
A list of organizations and corporations that registered to lobby
May 16 to 23, 2014
Client | Post Date | Type |
Lobbyist / Official |
Alberta In Situ Oil Sands Alliance (IOSA) | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Morgan Hayduk, Crestview Strategy |
Evraz Inc. NA Canada | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Caitlin King, ENsight Canada |
Cannmart Inc. | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Jacqueline LaRocque, Ensight Canada |
Canadian Beverage Association / Association canadienne des boissons | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Jacqueline LaRocque, Ensight Canada |
D.B.M. REFLEX ENTERPRISES INC. / LES ENTREPRISES REFLET D.B.M. INC. | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Lyne Choquette, Subsidies Plus Inc. / Subventions Plus Inc. |
Almirall Canada | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Melissa Zanette, Edelman Canada |
Canpars Immigration Services Inc. | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Patrick Robert, Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP |
Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association of Canada / Association des Commerçants de Véhicules Récréatifs du Canada | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Michael Powell, IMPACT PUBLIC AFFAIRS |
Christian Labour Association of Canada | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Meaghan Rusnell, Playbook communications |
Canadian Community Newspapers Association | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Meaghan Rusnell, Playbook communications |
The National Benefit Authority Corporation | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Line Maheux, GCI Communications Inc. |
Cement Association of Canada / Association canadienne du ciment | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Rene Drolet, Rene Drolet Consulting Services |
Apqak Renewable Energy Inc. | 2014-05-21 | Consultant | Michael O'Shea, Iveragh Consulting |
Weight Watchers Canada Ltd. | 2014-05-21 | Consultant | Line Maheux, GCI Communications Inc. |
Earth Alive Clean Technologies Inc. / Earth Alive Technologies propres inc | 2014-05-21 | Consultant | DANIEL BERNIER, Earnscliffe Strategy Group |
Consortium Marine Industries Plus Inc. / Consortium Marine Industries Plus (MIP) Inc. | 2014-05-21 | In-house Corporation | Ronald CARRÉ, Président directeur général Fondateur |
Pathfinder Career System (2013) Inc. / Système d'évaluation Pathfinder (2013) inc. | 2014-05-21 | Consultant | Louis Luneau |
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria | 2014-05-21 | Consultant | MICHAEL BAILEY, WESTERN POLICY CONSULTANTS INC. |
Evraz Inc. NA Canada | 2014-05-21 | Consultant | Jason Lietaer, Ensight Canada |
Husky Energy Inc. | 2014-05-21 | Consultant | Michael Smith, Deloitte LLP |
Kinross Gold Corporation | 2014-05-21 | Consultant | JACK HUGHES, Hill+Knowlton Strategies Canada |
Save Your Skin Foundation / La fondation Sauve Ta Peau | 2014-05-21 | Consultant | Alex Bushell, Environics Communications |
Kinross Gold Corporation | 2014-05-20 | In-house Corporation | Paul Rollinson, Chief Executive Officer |
John Deere Canada ULC | 2014-05-20 | Consultant | Line Maheux, GCI Communications Inc. |
Nortrax Canada Inc. | 2014-05-20 | Consultant | Line Maheux, GCI Communications Inc. |
Tenaris S.A. | 2014-05-16 | Consultant | Chad Rogers, Crestview Strategy Inc. |
Canadian Business Information Network (CABiNET) | 2014-05-16 | Consultant | DAVID ANGUS, The Capital Hill Group Inc. |
The Co-operators Group Limited / Groupe Co-operators limitée | 2014-05-16 | Consultant | Jocelyn VanKoughnet, Self-Employed |
Kinross Gold Corporation | 2014-05-16 | Consultant | GOLDY HYDER, Hill+Knowlton Strategies |
Kinross Gold Corporation | 2014-05-16 | Consultant | MICHAEL COATES, HILL+KNOWLTON STRATEGIES |
Evraz Inc. NA Canada | 2014-05-16 | Consultant | Hilary Moylan, Ensight Canada |
Tim Hortons Inc. | 2014-05-16 | Consultant | Blaise Boehmer, New West Public Affairs |
The Co-operators Group Limited / Groupe Co-operators limitée | 2014-05-16 | Consultant | Collette Robertson, Self-Employed |
A list of organizations and corporations that reactivated registrations
May 20 to 23, 2014
Client | Post Date | Type |
Lobbyist / Official |
Amgen Canada Inc. | 2014-05-23 | In-house Corporation | Helen Jordan, Vice President & General Manager |
Canadian Real Estate Association / LAssociation canadienne de limmeuble | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | David Humphreys, Humphreys Public Affairs Group |
Globalive Wireless Management Corp. | 2014-05-23 | Consultant | Meaghan Rusnell, Playbook communications |
Canadian Real Estate Association / L'association canadienne de l'immeuble | 2014-05-20 | Consultant | Pauline Aunger |